
This script calculates the registration tax based on various parameters including CO2 emissions, vehicle length, registration value, and Euro Standard.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to the Malta Car Registration Tax Calculator! This script calculates the registration tax based on various parameters including CO2 emissions, vehicle length, registration value, and Euro Standard.


  • Calculate Vehicle Registration Tax: Supports both petrol and diesel vehicles.
  • Dynamic Calculation: Uses specific rates for different Euro standards and vehicle lengths.
  • User-Friendly Input: Prompts for necessary inputs and validates them.
  • Detailed Summary: Provides a detailed summary of entered values and calculations.
  • Error Handling: Includes error handling for invalid inputs.


  • Python 3.x

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository or download the script file.
  2. Run the script using Python:
    python malta_car_reg.py
  3. Follow the prompts to enter the required vehicle details:
  • CO2 emissions (g/km)
  • Registration Value (RV)
  • Vehicle Length (mm)
  • Euro Standard (3, 4, 5, 6)
  1. Choose the vehicle type (Petrol or Diesel).
  2. The script will calculate and display the total registration tax along with a summary of entered values.


  • Length Tax Calculation: Length Tax Rate is determined based on the vehicle length.

     Length Tax = Vehicle Length (mm) × Registration Value (RV) × Length Tax Rate / 100
  • CO2 Tax Calculation: CO2 Tax Rate is determined based on the Euro Standard.

     CO2 Tax = CO2 Emissions (g/km) × Registration Value (RV) × CO2 Tax Rate / 100

Example Calculation

Let’s say we have the following vehicle details:

  • CO2 Emissions: 298 g/km
  • Registration Value (RV): €28,189
  • Vehicle Length: 4,650 mm
  • Euro Standard: 4
  1. Length Tax Calculation: For a vehicle length of 4,650 mm, the length tax rate is 0.0032%.
     Length Tax = 4650 × 28189 × 0.0032 100 = 4194.52
  2. CO2 Tax Calculation: For Euro Standard 4, the CO2 tax rate is 0.44%.
     CO2 Tax = 298 × 28189 × 0.44 100 = 36961.42
  3. Total Registration Tax
     Total Tax = Length Tax + CO2 Tax = 4194.52 + 36961.42 = 41155.94

Example Output

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 1. Petrol Vehicle
 2. Diesel Vehicle
 3. Exit
 Enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
 Enter CO2 emissions (g/km): 298
 Enter Registration Value (RV): 28189
 Enter Vehicle Length (mm): 4650
 Enter Euro Standard (3, 4, 5, 6): 4
 | Value                      | Entered Value                  |
 | CO2 Emissions              | 298.00                         |
 | Registration Value (RV)    | 28189.00                       |
 | Vehicle Length (mm)        | 4650.00                        |
 | Euro Standard              | 4                              |
 Length Tax Calculation: 4650.0 * 28189.0 * 0.0032 / 100 = 4194.52
 CO2 Tax Calculation: 298.0 * 28189.0 * 0.44 / 100 = 36961.42
 Total Tax Calculation: 4194.52 + 36961.42 = 41155.94
 |  Vehicle Type  |  Total Registration Tax (€)  |
 | Petrol Vehicle |           41155.94           |

Document Reference

This script is based on the calculations and guidelines provided in the document using NEDC rates:
Document: SOPV 02 - Registering & Licensing of New & Used Motor Vehicles
Source: Transport Malta


This project is licensed under the MIT License.