:wolf: Simple ERP Application Skeleton In Symfony 3.3.9.

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🐺 Simple ERP Application Skeleton In Symfony 3.3.9.

Current version: 1.0.0

Build Status


In order to run this app do the following:

1-Minute Install

  • Get the application code and install php dependencies and node packages.
git clone https://github.com/Clivern/LWT.git lwt
cd lwt
composer install
# You can ignore node packages installation if you will not edit CSS & JS Files
npm install
  • Open app/config/parameters.yml and insert your MySQL database credentials. Let's say it will be look like this:
    database_port: null
    database_name: homestead
    database_user: homestead
    database_password: secret
    mailer_transport: smtp
    mailer_user: null
    mailer_password: null
    secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
  • Run the following command to build database tables
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • Run the following command to seed our database with one user and default configs
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • We are ready to run our application
php bin/console server:run

Open your browser and access the

Please Note That You can login with clivern/clivern As we already imported that user in previous steps.

With Vagrant

Please note that vagrant need a provider in order to run the VM. In this project, I use VirtualBox as provider. After you have vagrant and VirtualBox up and running, do the following steps:

  • Get the application code and install php dependencies and node packages.
git clone https://github.com/Clivern/LWT.git lwt
cd lwt
composer install
# You can ignore node packages installation if you will not edit CSS & JS Files
npm install
vagrant up
  • Open app/config/parameters.yml and insert your MySQL database credentials. Let's say it will be look like this (Also look at app/config/parameters.yml.vagrant):
    database_port: null
    database_name: homestead
    database_user: homestead
    database_password: secret
    mailer_transport: smtp
    mailer_user: null
    mailer_password: null
    secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
  • After Vagrant build and provision your machine, login into this machine to do some configs (build database tables and seed our database).
vagrant ssh
cd lwt
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • Open your browser and access the

  • Vagrant use as project IP, so we need to redirect all requests coming to lwt.com to that IP. So add the following to your /etc/hosts file.       lwt.com
  • To Stop vagrant machine, run the following
vagrant halt

Please feel free to check Homestead.yaml file in case you need to customize your vagrant machine.

With Docker

  • Get the application code and node packages.
git clone https://github.com/Clivern/LWT.git lwt
cd lwt
# You can ignore node packages installation if you will not edit CSS & JS Files
npm install
  • Then run our docker containers
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
  • Then install our php dependencies with composer.
docker exec -it lwt_php bash -c "composer install && chown -R www-data /www/var"
  • Open app/config/parameters.yml and insert your MySQL database credentials. Let's say it will be look like this (Also look at app/config/parameters.yml.docker):
    database_host: lwt_mysql
    database_port: 3306
    database_name: homestead
    database_user: homestead
    database_password: secret
    mailer_transport: smtp
    mailer_user: null
    mailer_password: null
    secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
  • Access our PHP container to build database tables and seed these tables
docker exec -it lwt_php bash
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • Open your browser and access the

  • Also you can add http://lwt.dev to your /etc/hosts file.       lwt.dev
  • To Check our containers, use the following command:
docker-compose ps
  • To stop our containers
docker-compose down

Please check these docs to manage docker as a non-root user. because if it runs with the root user, you will have to use sudo ... in all previous commands.


In case you have A LAMP environment on your machine, Please follow the following steps:

  • Get the application code and install php dependencies and node packages.
git clone https://github.com/Clivern/LWT.git lwt
cd lwt
composer install
# You can ignore node packages installation if you will not edit CSS & JS Files
npm install
  • Open app/config/parameters.yml and insert your MySQL database credentials. Let's say it will be look like this:
    database_port: null
    database_name: homestead
    database_user: homestead
    database_password: secret
    mailer_transport: smtp
    mailer_user: null
    mailer_password: null
    secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
  • Run the following command to build database tables
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • Run the following command to seed our database with one user and default configs
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • You need to create a virtual host for this project and have it always running.
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin admin@lwt.com
    ServerName lwt.com
    ServerAlias www.lwt.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/lwt/web
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
        <Directory /var/www/lwt/web>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
  • Please don't forgot to add the suitable folder permissions for example
sudo chown -R clivern:www-data lwt
sudo chown -R 775 lwt

Also Don't forget to add lwt.com on your hosts file       lwt.com

Now when we visit lwt.com it should work!


Application has a REST API to be used by frontend so you can use these APIs to build Single Page Application or even consume these APIs from other application or service.

  • To get your API Key, Login to your profile clivern/clivern and you can find your API Key in profile page.

  • To create a server:

curl --request POST --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here' --data 'name=R234&brand=HP&asset_id=123&price=200.35'
  • To get your servers:
curl --request GET --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To get server with id:
curl --request GET --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id} --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To delete server with id:
curl --request DELETE --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id} --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To get Server Rams:
curl --request GET --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id}/ram --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To get Server Ram:
curl --request GET --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id}/ram/{ram_id} --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To create Server Ram:
curl --request POST --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id}/ram --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here' --data 'type=DDR3&size=2'
  • To delete Server Ram:
curl --request DELETE --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/server/{server_id}/ram/{ram_id} --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To get current refresh token:
curl --request GET --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/refresh_token --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here'
  • To Get your new API token in case it is expired:
curl --request POST --url http://lwt.com/api/v1/api_token --header 'X-AUTH-TOKEN: api_token_here' --data 'refresh_token=sgshdhd..'

Deploy The Application

In order to run and deploy this application on production server, Please do the following during installation.

  • Check your server requirements.
php bin/symfony_requirements
  • Install/Update your vendors and It is required to provide your database credentials.
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
  • Clear your Symfony Cache
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug --no-warmup
php bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod
  • Build your database tables and do seeding.
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • In case you work with LAMP Server, you will need to configure your apache virtual host.
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin admin@lwt.com
    ServerName lwt.com
    ServerAlias www.lwt.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/lwt/web
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
        <Directory /var/www/lwt/web>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
  • Please don't forgot to add the suitable folder permissions for example
sudo chown -R clivern:www-data lwt
sudo chown -R 775 lwt

For More Info, Please check symfony docs



  • If the npm install command fails or hangs, Do the following.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
  • To compile changes performed to JS or CSS code in resources/assets/ dir, run the following command:
npm run dev


To run test cases & get test coverage reports run the following command in app root

./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit --coverage-text=./coverage.txt --coverage-html ./coverage

or to view the coverage report

./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-html ./coverage

Please note that, you need xdebug in order to get coverage reports.


Version 1.0.0:

Initial Release.


© 2017, Clivern. Released under the MIT License.

LWT is authored and maintained by @clivern.