
Symfony project

Primary LanguagePHP


A music database about bands, places, cities and organizations.



  • PHP v8+
  • Composer
  • PHP CS Fixer
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Symfony CLI
  • npm


# Install dependencies
composer install
npm install
# Create Docker database and mailer containers
docker-compose up -d
# Migrate DB and load fixtures
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
# Doctrine fixtures "classic" load fail because it tries to delete the table in an incorrect order
# See https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineFixturesBundle/issues/370
symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load --purge-with-truncate
# Run the web server
symfony server:start
# Run Webpack to compile the assets
npm run dev-server

BD migrations

symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Run tests

composer test