Batch script to launch program with external tool or something else.
This script is designed for game which need external tool or something else to running or playing.
For example:
If you want to play Need for Speed: Rivals on Laptop without necessary independent keys (Home, End, PageUp or PageDown), you should run key mapping tool to re-map necessary keys.
Always cosming to launch both game and external tool just for one game.
So this script was born to solve it.
This script now only support Simplified Chinese and not able to launch program which name containing UTF-8 character. Probably I'll deal with it (gugugu).
- Download script file (!UniversalLauncher.bat) in GitHub;
- Edit file via system notepad or VS Code (WARNING: if you edit via VS Code, always ensuring decode and encode file with gb2312. NOT utf8!!);
- Edit variable:
line 6: target: executable program name, end with .exe, e.g. PlantsVsZombies.exe. No sapce in name, change file name if necessary.
line 8: full_name: Full name of program or name you like. This is used to identify which program will launch. No space recommandly.
line 10: necessary: switch of Enable(1) or Disable(0) launch necessary tool.
line 12: necessary_name: executable program name, end with .exe, e.g. key_mapping_NFS14.exe. No sapce in name, change file name if necessary.
line 14: tool: switch of Enable(1) or Disable(0) launch alternative tool.
line 16: tool_name: executable program name, end with .exe, e.g. Trainer.exe. No sapce in name, change file name if necessary.
If necessary is set as: Enabled(1), necessary will launch before launch the main program without confirmation;
If tool is set as: Enable(1), selection is required before launch the main program.
- Save file (WARNING: always ensuring decode and encode file with gb2312. NOT utf8!!).