
cangaja - Canvas Game JavaScript Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

cangaja - Canvas Game JavaScript Framework

cangaja is a javascript canvas project that i have started to explore the html canvas features.

Featurelist for now:

  • sound features using Buzz!
  • touch handling using Hammer
  • working with Ejecta on iOS, but Buzz! and Hammer don't work there!
  • Mediaasset class (preload and handle files/data)
  • Director class (with screen handling/fading)
  • Screen class
  • Bitmap class
  • Layer class
  • Sprite class
  • Animation class
  • Map class
  • Button class
  • Menu class
  • Collision handling (rectangle, circle, no pixelperfect collision at the moment)
  • Emitter class (point, line, rectangle, explosion)
  • Particle class
  • Morphing class
  • Translation class (linear, circle, bezier)
  • Sequence class (handles multiple Translations)
  • Tilemap support orthogonal/isometric (Tiled Map Editor .tmx files format xml or csv)
  • Font support (Glyphdesigner EZ Gui text files)
  • TexturePacker support (TexturePacker generic XML file)
  • Box2DHtml support (Box2DHtml5)
  • Destructible Terrain class
  • PhysicsEditor support (PhysicsEditor use Lime + Corona JSON format for use in Box2D Wrapper)

Todo / wish list / bugs:

  • Oneway/onesided Platforms Box2d http://www.box2d.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4985 http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2010/03/02/understanding-box2ds-one-way-platforms-aka-clouds/ http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/47828/box2d-with-lines http://www.iforce2d.net/b2dtut/one-way-walls

  • implement Game into Cangaja as class?

  • develop something similar to DiddyData. A config file to define files to preload and screens an layers to generate

  • sprite positioning bug in slide demo?

  • eliminate Array.forEach

  • global renderer with webgl support and canvas 2d fallback?

  • additional options argument for Box2D wrapper classes for detailed configuration?

  • MapPolyLine and MapPolygon for use as b2ChainShape in Box2D Wrapper => oh, no! b2ChainShape not exists in box2dweb 2.1.x

  • Tilemap => decision what to prefer => xml or json format?

  • bugfixing Tilemap with tmx csv format is not animating correctly (tmx with xml and tilemap exported as json works!)

  • fix missing rotation when follower sprite using TPImage

  • add support for additional Tiled Map Editor features like object positioning(done!), object path and object group(done!)

  • support TexturePacker cropping option

  • class Sequence rewind feature

  • create new class Writer or Text for textblocks and textscroller using update/draw => then it can be an element of a layer

  • object pooling for all elements like sprites and so on...

  • better code documentation and what license to use?

  • clean up demo code ;o)

  • z-index for objects useful?

  • class bitmap method clearcircle is not working with Ejecta ;o(

  • class text => textblock, alignment, textticker, textscroller features

  • ParticleDesigner support?

  • are sprites and other objects out of the game screen (Game.bound) => no drawing and/or not updating of this object?

  • configurable handle for sprite, animation and button (maybe also button)

  • add more features to the font class

  • better input implementation, get rid of the global mousedown variable

  • use the object group as bound as collision object

  • additional method in map class for collision check


  • 2013-10-17 [bugfix] - of terrain crash, the circle vertices has to be reversed to CCW(?)
  • 2013-10-15 [added] - destructabel terrain class ;o)
  • 2013-10-07 [added] - added libs Clipper and poly2tri
  • 2013-10-07 [change] - removed box2dweb, added box2dhtml5 (Box2D 2.3.0), rework for box2dhtml5, misc updates
  • 2013-04-17 [cleanup] - cleanup again
  • 2013-04-08 [added] - added mode slide for director to switch screens
  • 2013-04-07 [added] - started basic cangaja template for ejecta
  • 2013-04-06 [added] - started basic cangaja template
  • 2013-04-04 [cleanup] - a little folder structure cleanup
  • 2013-04-02 [fixed] - preloader had wrong context
  • 2013-03-05 [added] - apidoc generated with yuidoc
  • 2013-02-22 [added] - added B2DLine class
  • 2013-02-20 [added] - added working B2DBridge class
  • 2013-02-13 [bugfix] - Box2D warpper => added name and uid to each object for correct deleting of objects
  • 2013-02-10 [added] - dragging, deleting and apply impulse of/to Box2D objects
  • 2013-02-05 [added] - first simple Box2D Wrapper with basic shapes: circle, rectangle and polybody
  • 2013-01-24 [added] - Sprite to MapArea collision
  • 2013-01-23 [misc] - purchased Webstorm JavaScript IDE, thats what i call a JS IDE!
  • 2013-01-22 [change] - now finally rewritten for simple inheritance with no way back ;o)
  • 2013-01-19 [added] - added a new scale transition mode between screens in Director class
  • 2013-01-10 [change/bugfix] - rewrite of class Animation for more "inheritance style" and bugfix for correct midhandle
  • 2012-12-30 [added] - added MapPoint and MapArea support to the loadMapXml method => this is also a todo for the json part
  • 2012-12-29 [change] - changed comments to jsdoc style
  • 2012-12-27 [bugfix] - found collision bug in AABB() method after rewrite of object positioning - found bug when a Button is rotated => wrong label rotation
  • 2012-12-27 [change] - classes Emitter, Sprite, Button and Animation are now using a Point Object for positioning
  • 2012-12-25 [change] - cleanup of some useless class inheritances
  • 2012-12-25 [change] - further changes to work with bounds in sprites => possible bound of a tilemap?
  • 2012-12-24 [change] - changed all sources of Game.width/Game.height with Game.bound.width/Game.bound.height
  • 2012-12-22 [added] - added class Bound to work with sprites and specialy sprites and bounds in tilemaps
  • 2012-11-26 [change] - changed class hierarchy. removed most of ejecta specific code
  • 2012-11-17 [bugfix] - bug in method entity => setImage(): image.width/-height <=> image.cutwidth/-height where wrong if TPImage is used
  • 2012-10-09 [feature] - added Bitmap class with some functions
  • 2012-10-09 [change] - little rewrite to work with Ejecta
  • 2012-10-09 [bugfix] - class Tilemap with json source is animating again => forgotten property ;o)
  • 2012-10-09 [feature] - added json support to Map class
  • 2012-10-09 [feature] - added json support to Texturepacker class (indeed Tiled Map Editor can export to json)
  • 2012-10-08 [rewrite] - first rewrite of class map
  • 2012-10-02 [feature] - sprites have now the properties offsetx/offsety for the attached objects - class animation/button inherits the attached object features ;o)
  • 2012-10-02 [fix] particles in emitter pool now sorted correctly after particle reanimation ;o)
  • 2012-09-27 [feature] sprites can have a attached object and control its position for now
  • 2012-09-27 [cleanup] index.html
  • 2012-09-22 [fix] class button now using the font size for centering the text. glypghdesigners lineheight vary very much.
  • 2012-09-14 [feature] added type corona to the emitter class
  • 2012-09-19 [cleanup] class translate
  • 2012-09-16 [fix] fixed wrong width/height when using rotated tpimage
  • 2012-09-16 [speed] for loops optimized
  • 2012-09-14 [feature] added type rectangle to the emitter class
  • 2012-09-14 [fix] Mediaasset last image is not preloading => bug in MediaAsset getImageByName()

Class inheritance

  • Director
  • Entity
    • B2DEntity
      • B2DCircle
      • B2DRectangle
      • B2DPolygon
      • B2DLine
      • B2DBridge
      • B2DRope
      • B2DChainShape
    • Bitmap
    • Bound
    • Buffer
    • Emitter
    • Font
    • Layer
      • B2DWorld
    • Map
    • Menu
    • Morph
    • Point
      • Vector
    • Rectangle
      • Sprite
        • Animation
        • Button
        • Particle
    • Sequence
    • Screen
    • Translate
  • MapPoints
  • MapAreas
  • MapTileLayer
  • MapTileProperties
  • MediaAsset
  • Atlas-Image
  • Atlas-TexturePacker

Framework logic

  • Game
    • MediaAsset
    • Director
      • Screen
        • Layer
          • Animation
          • Button
          • Emitter
          • Map
          • Menu
          • Sprite
          • B2DWorld
            • B2DCircle
            • B2DRectangle
            • B2DPolygon
            • B2DLine
            • B2DBridge
            • B2DRope
            • B2DChainShape


Mediaasset preloading

//preload all needed files
Game.asset.addImage('media/img/rocket.png', 'rocket')
//font glypgdesigner
//tilemap xml
//texturepacker image
//texturepacker xml
//texturepacker json
//tilemap json
//start preload

//getting asset stuff

Texturepacker example

var tp = new CG.AtlasTexturePacker()

//load texturepacker json file (recommended for ejecta use)

//the same example for texturepacker xml file

//add Texturepacker TPImages to mediaasset images
Game.asset.images.push.apply(Game.asset.images, tp.getAtlasImages())

Font (Glyphdesigner) example

//create font and load font file
font = new CG.Font().loadFont(Game.asset.getFontByName('heiti'))

//draw some text
font.drawText('Hello world ;o)', xpos, ypos)

Director example

//create director
var director = new CG.Director()

//adding screen and layer object to director
    new CG.Screen('screenname').addLayer('layername')

//fade screen to another screen with duration 5
director.nextScreen('anotherscreen', 5)

//update all attached dircetor objects in game loop

//draw all attached director objects in game loop

Sprite example

//create sprite
cloud = new CG.Sprite(Game.asset.getImageByName('cloud'), 150, 150)
cloud.name = 'cloud'
cloud.xscale = 0.75
cloud.yscale = 0.75
cloud.xspeed = 0.5
cloud.yspeed = -0.25
cloud.boundsMode = 'slide'

//add sprite to layer

//or add sprite direct to layer object

Animation example

//create animation object
expl = new CG.Animation('media/img/burst.png', mousex, mousey, 1, 256, 256, 256)
expl.yspeed = -1
expl.name = 'expl'
expl.loop = false
expl.delay = 2
expl.rotation = Math.floor((Math.random() * 180) + 1)
expl.rotationspeed = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1)

//add animation to layer

Bitmap example

bm = new CG.Bitmap(300,300)
//load and draw a image to the buffer
//adding buffer as element to a layer
//clear a circular region of the bitmap
//clear a rectangular region of the bitmap
// clear the buffer
// and draw the loaded image back to the buffer

Tilemap example

var map = new CG.Map(640, 480)

//loading a tiles tilemap as xml into map, supported is csv and xml

//loading a tiles tilemap as json format (recommended for ejecta use)

//example in game loop
map.drawMap(mousex*2>>0, mousey*2>>0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height, 0, 0, callbackMapCollision)

setting alternative bound instead of game bound (canvas) to sprite example

        new CG.Bound (200,0,400,400)

experimental Game object example

window.onload = function() {

    //create canvas element programaticaly
    can = document.createElement('canvas')
    can.width = 640
    can.height = 480
    can.id = 'canvas'

    //mouse move handler
    can.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
        var rect = can.getBoundingClientRect(), root = document.documentElement;
        mousex = evt.clientX - canvas.offsetCG.LEFT;
        mousey = evt.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
    }, false);

    //jump into the game object ;o)

var Game = {
    path: '', //optional path depending on file/folder structure
    fps: 60,
    width: 640,
    height: 480,
    width2: 640 / 2,
    height2: 480 / 2,
    bound: new CG.Bound(0,0,640,480).setName('game'),
    canvas: {},
    ctx: {},
    b_canvas: {},
    b_ctx: {},
    asset: new CG.MediaAsset('media/img/splash3.jpg'),
    director: new CG.Director(),
    delta: new CG.Delta(60),
    preload: function(){
        //canvas for ouput
        canvas = document.getElementById("canvas")
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")

        //canvas buffer
        Game.b_canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
        Game.b_ctx = Game.b_canvas.getContext('2d')
        Game.b_canvas.width = Game.bound.width
        Game.b_canvas.height = Game.bound.height

        //preload images
    //after preload jump to Game.create
    create: function() {
        //buzz: create/load sound objects
        mySound = new buzz.sound("media/sfx/serious", {
            formats: [ "ogg", "mp3", "aac", "wav" ],
            preload: true,
            autoplay: true,
            loop: true
        myShoot = new buzz.sound("media/sfx/laser", {
            formats: [ "ogg", "mp3", "aac", "wav" ],
            preload: true,
            loop: false

        mainscreen = new CG.Screen('mainscreen')

        mainlayer = new CG.Layer('mainlayer')

        //elements: buttons, animations, sprites, emitter
        button1 = new CG.Button(Game.asset.getImageByName('button'), 320, ybutton, 'Start', font, callBackFunction)
        button1.name = 'start'

        sun = new CG.Sprite(Game.asset.getImageByName('sun'), 480, 100)
        sun.name = 'sun'
        sun.boundingradius = 150
        sun.xspeed = 1
        sun.boundsMode = 'slide'
        sun.xscale = 1
        sun.yscale = 1

        mainlayer.addElement(new CG.Emitter()
            .initAsExplosion(Game.asset.getImageByName('powerstar75'), -2, 2)
            .setEmitterPosition(320, 240))

        //create needed stuff and add it to the director: screens => layers => elements


    loop: function(){
            var last = new Date()
            //    delta = (now - then) / (1000 / Game.fps)
            delta = (new Date() - last) / 1000
    run: function() {
    update: function() {
    draw: function() {
        //clear ctx
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height)

        //place custom drawings here

        //draw all elements handled by the director or its screens/layers/elements

        //draw buffer to ctx
        ctx.drawImage(Game.b_canvas, 0, 0)
        //clear buffer
        Game.b_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, Game.bound.width, Game.bound.height)
    touchinit: function() {
        hammer = new Hammer(canvas);
        hammer.on('tap', function(ev) {
            mousedown = true
            mousex = ev.position[0].x - canvas.offsetCG.LEFT //correct ontap value x
            mousey = ev.position[0].y - canvas.offsetTop  //correct ontap value y

        hammer.on('dragstart', function(ev) {

        hammer.on('drag', function(ev) {
            mousex = ev.position.x
            mousey = ev.position.y
        hammer.on('dragend', function(ev) {

        hammer.on('swipe', function(ev) {


        hammer.on('doubletap', function(ev) {

        hammer.on('hold', function(ev) {


        hammer.on('transformstart', function(ev) {

        hammer.on('transform', function(ev) {

        hammer.on('transformend', function(ev) {


        hammer.on('release', function(ev) {

    touchhandler: function(){
        mousedown = false