
Nim Bindings for C++ STL stuff

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

Nim bindings for the C++ STL

workflow workflow


This library is a Nim wrapper for C++ Standard Template Library (STL) class. This library is obviously only compatible with the C++ backend

I recommand using this bindings only in two cases:

  • When wrapping a C++ library (But make sure to offer a Nim idomatic API that does not expose the STL to the user if possible).
  • In some performance critical code where the cost of converting Nim types to c++ types is problematic (like embeded devices).


nimble install cppstl

Add the following lines to your .nimble:

backend = "cpp"
requires "cppstl"


cppstl currently wraps :

  • std::string

  • std::basic_string

  • std::vector

  • std::complex

  • std::pair

  • Smart pointers are partially supported:

    • std::unique_ptr
    • std::shared_ptr


All contributions are welcome!

If there is a missing function or class, that you need, don't be shy to open an issue or a PR.

Running Tests

nimble test


testament p "tests/t*.nim"


The documentation is here : https://clonkk.github.io/nim-cppstl/cppstl.html

You can find more use-case in the tests folder.


This code is licensed under MIT license (see LICENSE.txt for details)