Hi there 👋 I'm Baran

Connect with me:

📫 How to reach me barangenez@hotmail.com

Languages and Tools:

Languages Experiense
I know well all tags, semantic and seo. I dont know meta tags, og tags.
I know well, I can create and understand layouts easily. I have never done animation and linear gradient projects.
I know syntax and ES6 updates. I developed projects with API, localstorage and DOM.
I know how to create components, use module css, create dynamic or static links. I can use react hooks. I developed projects with next js.
At the time of writing this article, I just started learning. I even made a project with it. I think it looks pretty ugly when I write it inside the classes. I found the solution to this by writing it in module.css using @apply. I loved it for now.

# My Projects Repositories Technologies Live Demo
2 Rotating Navigation Animation HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
3 Hidden Search Widget HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
4 Blurry Loading HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
5 Split Landing Page HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
6 Sound Board HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
7 joke Generator HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
8 Faq Collapse HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
9 Random Choice Picker HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
10 Animated Navigation HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
11 Incrementing Counter HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
12 Drink Water HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
13 Background Slider HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
14 Movie App(NotCompleted) HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
15 Event Key Code HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
16 Scroll Animation(NotCompleted) HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
17 Form Wave(NotCompleted) HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
18 Button Ripple HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
19 Calculator(NotCompleted) HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
20 Character Counter HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
21 Digital Clock HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
22 Hangman(NotCompleted) HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
23 multiplyApp HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
24 Pokedex HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
25 Random Color Generator HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
26 To Do List HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
27 Frontendmentor.io Projects #1 HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
28 Frontendmentor.io Projects #2 HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
29 Frontendmentor.io Projects #3 HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
30 Frontendmentor.io Projects #4 HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
31 Frontendmentor.io Projects #5 HTML-CSS-JS Live Demo
32 Frontendmentor.io Projects #6 NEXT.JS Live Demo
33 Frontendmentor.io Projects #7 NEXT.JS Live Demo
34 Frontendmentor.io Projects #8 NEXT.JS Live Demo
35 Frontendmentor.io Projects #9 NEXT.JS Live Demo
36 Frontendmentor.io Projects #10 NEXT.JS Live Demo
37 Frontendmentor.io Projects #11 NEXT.JS - TAILWINDCSS Live Demo
38 Frontendmentor.io Projects #12 NEXT.JS - TAILWINDCSS Live Demo

Github stats 2