
R code to reproduce the figures in NCOMMS-19-25487A. Meanwhile though the identifier has changed to NCOMMS-19-25487C.

Primary LanguageHTML

Matter_arising: NCOMMS-19-25487A

Here you can find the code for reproducing Figure 1 from our manuscript.

This repository only contains the R code, the data from the original publication have to be downloaded from NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus.

Kubli et. al have their data deposited under GSE130287. Riedel et. al have their data deposited under GSE140133.

If you want to reproduce r_script.R on your local computer, download the deposited data and have the required files organized as indicated in r_markdown.html.

The r_script.R file contains the actual code. r_markdown.Rmd creates the r_markdown.html from it.

To quickly view the code and its output, simply download r_markdown.html and have it opened by a browser of your choice.