
Immutable, auto-updating Jenkins Master. Data stored on encrypted EFS.

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Terraform AWS Jenkins Master module

Auto-scaled, self healing, Jenkins Master server for use in AWS.

  • A VPC is already in place
  • DHCP options set to AmazonProvidedDNS
  • Route 53 zone is already in place ( Optional )
  • Terraform version >= 0.13.2
  • AWS account
  • Jenkins Master ec2 instance, created via an AutoScaling Group "ASG".
  • Encrypted EFS share to host $JENKINS_HOME.
  • EFS Mount points in 2x AZs.
  • DNS friendly name in Route53 for connections ( Optional ).
  • Application Load balancer "ALB" , forwarding to the Jenkins Master.
  • Jenkins Server rebuilds once a week deploying all the latest security patches and the latest jenkins.war. Default = 00:00 - 00:30 each Sunday morning.
  • Custom KMS encryption key for EFS.
  • HTTP - auto re-directs to - HTTPS
  • data_sources.tf can be used to look up the latest AMI to use.
EFS Backups
  • Enabled by default. Uses the automatic EFS backup facility. Backups deleted after 35 days.
Current supported Operating Systems:
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
  • Amazon Linux 2


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_listener_port ALB listener port number "443" no
alb_listener_protocol ALB listener protocol string "HTTPS" no
ami AMI to be used to build the ec2 instance (via launch config) string n/a yes
asg_tags Dynamic tags for ASG any
"key": "Name",
"propagate_at_launch": true,
"value": "tags need setting"
autoscaling_schedule_create Allows for disabling of scheduled actions on ASG. Enabled by default number 1 no
backup_policy EFS backup policy string "ENABLED" no
certificate_arn ARN of the SSL certificate to use string n/a yes
create_dns_record Create friendly DNS CNAME bool true no
custom_userdata Set custom userdata string "" no
deletion_window_in_days Number of days before permanent removal number "30" no
desired_capacity AutoScaling Group desired capacity number 1 no
domain_name Domain Name string n/a yes
drop_invalid_header_fields Whether HTTP headers with header fields that are not valid are removed by the load balancer bool true no
efs_encrypted Encrypt the EFS share bool true no
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing Enable / Disable cross zone load balancing bool false no
enable_deletion_protection Enable / Disable deletion protection for the ALB. bool false no
enable_key_rotation KMS key rotation bool true no
enable_monitoring AutoScaling - enables/disables detailed monitoring bool "false" no
encrypted Encryption of volumes bool true no
environment Environment where resources are being created, for example DEV, UAT or PROD string n/a yes
health_check_grace_period AutoScaling health check grace period number 180 no
health_check_type AutoScaling health check type. EC2 or ELB string "ELB" no
healthy_threshold ALB healthy count number 2 no
hostname_prefix Hostname prefix for the Jenkins server string "jenkins" no
http_listener_required Enables / Disables creating HTTP listener. Listener auto redirects to HTTPS bool true no
iam_instance_profile IAM instance profile for Jenkins server string null no
instance_type ec2 instance type string "t3a.medium" no
internal Is the ALB internal? bool false no
interval ALB health check interval number 20 no
key_name ec2 key pair use string n/a yes
listener1_alb_listener_port HTTP listener port number 80 no
listener1_alb_listener_protocol HTTP listener protocol string "HTTP" no
max_size AutoScaling Group max size number 1 no
min_size AutoScaling Group min size number 1 no
performance_mode EFS performance mode.https://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/performance.html string "generalPurpose" no
preliminary_user_data Preliminary shell script commands for adding to user data.Runs at the beginning of userdata string "#preliminary_user_data" no
private_subnet_a 1st private subnet id string n/a yes
private_subnet_b 2nd private subnet id string n/a yes
route53_endpoint_record Route 53 endpoint name. Creates route53_endpoint_record string "jenkins" no
scale_down_cron The time when the recurring scale down action start.Cron format string "0 0 * * SUN" no
scale_up_cron The time when the recurring scale up action start.Cron format string "30 0 * * SUN" no
security_groups List of security groups to assign to the ec2 instance. Create outside of module and pass in list(string) n/a yes
security_groups_alb ALB Security Group. Create outside of module and pass in list(string) n/a yes
security_groups_mount_target_a Security groups to use for mount target subnet a. Create outside of module and pass in list(string) n/a yes
security_groups_mount_target_b Security groups to use for mount target subnet b. Create outside of module and pass in list(string) n/a yes
ssl_policy Name of the SSL Policy for the listener string "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-Ext-2018-06" no
subnets Subnets where the ALB will be placed list(string) n/a yes
success_codes Success Codes for the Target Group Health Checks. Default is 200 ( OK ) string "200" no
supplementary_user_data Supplementary shell script commands for adding to user data.Runs at the end of userdata string "#supplementary_user_data" no
svc_port Service port: The port on which targets receive traffic. number 8080 no
tags Tags map map(string) {} no
target_group_path Health check request path string "/" no
target_group_port The port to use to connect with the target number "8080" no
target_group_protocol The protocol to use to connect to the target string "HTTP" no
timeout ALB timeout value number 5 no
unhealthy_threshold ALB unhealthy count number 10 no
volume_size ec2 volume size number 30 no
volume_type ec2 volume type string "gp2" no
vpc_id VPC id string n/a yes
vpc_zone_identifier A list of subnet IDs to launch AutoScaling resources in. list(string) n/a yes
zone_id Route 53 zone id string null no


Name Description
asg_id Jenkins ASG id
efs_dns_name DNS name of the EFS share
efs_id ID of the EFS share
lb_arn Load balancer ARN
lb_dns_name Load balancer DNS Name
lb_zone_id Load balancer zone id