
Lightweight library to assist creation of .md files (in GitHub and/or DocFX flavours)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Build Status

Lightweight library to assist creation of .md files (in GitHub and/or DocFX flavours)

Example usage

    // Everything starts with an MdDocument
    // Nothing is written to file system until calling the .Save() method
    var outputFilePath = "C:\\output.md";
    var document = new MdDocument(outputFilePath);
    var firstHeader = new MdHeader("The header", 1);
    var table = new MdTable()
        // Define the table's columns. Others could be added later
        .AddColumn("First Column")
        .AddColumn("Second Column")
        .AddColumn("Third Column");

        .AddRow(new MdTableRow()
            // Use AddCell ...
        .AddRow(new MdTableRow
            // ... or use a Cell object
            Cells =
                new MdPlainText("4"),
                new MdPlainText("5"),
                new MdPlainText("6")

    var quote = new MdQuote()
        .AddLine("All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.")
        .AddLine("They have their exits and their entrances;")
        .AddLine("And one man in his time plays many parts.");

    var bulletList = new MdList(MdListType.Unordered)
        .AddItem("First point")
        .AddItem("Second point")
        .AddItem("Third point")
        .AddItem("Fourth point");
    var numberedList = new MdList(MdListType.Ordered)
        .AddItem("First point")
        .AddItem("Second point")
        .AddItem("Third point")
        .AddItem("Fourth point");

    var todoList = new MdList(MdListType.Todo)
        .AddItem("Build something")
        .AddItem("Test it")
        .AddItem("Push it");

    // Include DocFX specific metadata. 
    // TODO - First class support is coming in the future!        
    var docfxMetadata = 
        "---" + Environment.NewLine +
        "uid: this_is_a_tester" + Environment.NewLine +
    var docFxHeader = new MdPlainText(docfxMetadata);
        // Include markdown inline
        .Add(new MdParagraph("This is a paragraph of interesting text..."))
        .Add(new MdHorizontalLine())
        // Validate and save to file system
    // See CloudAwesome.MarkdownMaker.Tests for more examples...

Any bug reports or feature requests are greatly appreciated!