
The JavaScript Runtime Benchmark

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JavaScript Runtime Benchmark (jsrbench)

This repository hosts Hexagon's JavaScript Runtime Benchmark. The primary objective is to deliver an impartial comparison of various JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes under real-world web conditions. Ideally, all test scripts for different runtimes should be identical, achieving a uniform benchmarking environment, such as my Express.js example (which currently is the only one).

Supported Runtimes:

  • Node.js
  • Deno
  • Bun.js


Currently, the suite includes the following benchmarks:

  1. Express.js Benchmark:
    • Express.js is a leading web server framework. For this benchmark, Express.js is utilized as it is compatible across all three runtimes, ensuring an authentic 'apples-to-apples' comparison.

Adding More Benchmarks:

  1. Navigate to the benchmarks/ folder and create a new directory named after the benchmark you want to introduce (e.g., koa, fastify).
  2. Inside this directory, set up the server implementation for each runtime. The recommended naming pattern is server.js for a general-purpose server script or server_<runtime>.js (e.g., server_node.js, server_deno.js, server_bun.js) for runtime-specific scripts.
  3. Update this README to mention the new benchmark.

Running the Benchmarks:

Before you try to run a benchmark, make sure it has all Node/Bun dependencies installed, for the express benchmark:

cd benchmarks/express
npm install

Then, to execute a specific benchmark:

`node benchmark.js <benchmark_name>``

Replace <benchmark_name> with the desired benchmark's name, for example express.


While running a benchmark, status will be printed on the console:

  • Versions of the tested runtimes.
  • Different concurrency levels used.

While comprehensive benchmark results, indicating requests per second, average latency, and other relevant metrics for each benchmark iteration will be written to result/<benchmark_name>_<YYYY-MM-DD>/<runtime>/<endpoint>_<concurrency>.txt

How the Benchmarking Works:

The benchmarking process employs the following methodology:

  1. Initialization: The script requires the user to specify a benchmark by name. The script will then search for corresponding server implementations within the benchmarks/ directory.

  2. Runtime Detection: For each supported runtime (Node.js, Deno, Bun.js), the script looks for a general server.js file or a runtime-specific variant such as server_node.js. This provides flexibility in using a common script or runtime-optimized implementations.

  3. Server Boot Up: For each runtime, the server is started, and it broadcasts the endpoints that are available for benchmarking.

  4. Benchmark Execution: For each detected endpoint and for varying concurrency levels, the siege tool is used to bombard the server and record performance metrics. The results, including requests per second, average latency, and more, are then logged.

  5. Cleanup: After benchmarking an endpoint for all concurrency levels, the server process is terminated, ensuring no interference with subsequent tests.


  1. Supported Runtimes: Ensure that you have Node.js, Deno, and Bun.js installed and available in your system's PATH.

  2. Siege: The benchmarking relies on the siege tool. A recent version supporting the --json-output-flag is required. You find the latest version here.


Contributions to extend or improve this suite are highly encouraged. When incorporating a new benchmark, please follow the aforementioned steps. It's crucial that your benchmark operates consistently across all specified runtimes.