
Deploy baremetals using the same template across any number of subnets in a single VPC.

Primary LanguageHCL

ICSE Baremetal Deployment Module

Deploy baremetals using the same template across any number of subnets in a single VPC.

Module Variables

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
prefix string The prefix that you would like to prepend to your resources
tags list(string) List of Tags for the resource created null
resource_group_id string Resource group ID for the VSI null
vpc_id string ID of the VPC where VSI will be provisioned
subnet_zone_list list( object({ name = string id = string zone = string cidr = string }) ) List of subnets where the VSI deployment primary network interfaces will be created. This is intended to be an output from the ICSE Subnet Module or templates using it.
secondary_subnet_zone_list list( object({ name = string id = string zone = string cidr = string shortname = optional(string) security_group_ids = optional(list(string)) allow_ip_spoofing = optional(bool) }) ) (Optional) List of secondary subnets to use for VSI. For each secondary subnet in this list, a network interface will be attached to each VSI in the same zone. []
vsi_per_subnet number Number of identical VSI to provision on each subnet 1
primary_allowed_vlans list(string) Comma separated VLANs, Indicates what VLAN IDs (for VLAN type only) can use this physical (PCI type) interface. A given VLAN can only be in the allowed_vlans array for one PCI type adapter per bare metal server. null
primary_enable_infrastructure_nat bool " If true, the VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. If false, the packet is passed unmodified to/from the network interface, allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. [default : true]" true
deployment_name string Name of the VSI deployment. This will be used to dynamically configure server names. icse
image_id string ID of the server image to use for VSI creation r010-68ec6c5d-c687-4dd3-8259-6f10d24ecd44
profile string Type of machine profile for VSI. Use the command ibmcloud is baremetal-profiles to find available profiles in your region cx2-metal-96x192
ssh_key_ids list(string) List of SSH Key Ids. At least one SSH key must be provided
boot_volume_name string Boot volume name eth0
primary_security_group_ids list(string) (Optional) List of security group ids to add to the primary network interface of each virtual server. Using an empty list will assign the default VPC security group. null
primary_interface_security_group object({ create = bool rules = list( object({ name = string direction = string remote = string tcp = optional( object({ port_max = number port_min = number }) ) udp = optional( object({ port_max = number port_min = number }) ) icmp = optional( object({ type = number code = number }) ) }) ) }) Object describing a security group to create for the primary interface, { create = false rules = []
user_data string (Optional) Data to transfer to instance null
allow_ip_spoofing bool Allow IP spoofing on primary network interface false
add_floating_ip bool Add a floating IP to the primary network interface. false

Module Outputs

Name Description
virtual_servers List of VSI IDs, Names, Primary IPV4 addresses, floating IPs, and secondary floating IPs