
Provisioning secured RedHat OpenShift cluster with automation of forwarding observability capability by using VPC.

Primary LanguageHCL

Secured RedHat OpenShift cluster on VPC infrastructure

Use this IBM Cloud Provider Plug-in for Terraform template to create a Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster with certain secure settings enabled by default, such as the following.

  • Creates a Virtual private network (VPC) for the cluster.
  • Sets up worker nodes across zones for higher availability.
  • Automatically enables forwarding logging and monitoring data to your observability instances.
  • Encrypts the cluster secrets with your own Key Management Service provider key.

Template functionalities

  1. main.tf

    • Provisions a multizone Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster in a virtual private cloud (VPC) with 3 worker nodes in each zone. The default worker pool has 3 worker nodes in one zone. Another worker pool is created across the two other zones in the region, with three worker nodes per zone.
    • Integrates the cluster with an IBM Cloud Log Analysis instance.
    • Integrates the cluster with an IBM Cloud Monitoring instance.
    • Enables IBM Key Protect for IBM Cloud as the Key Management Service (KMS) provider for the cluster.
    • Integrates with an IBM Cloud Object Storage instance during cluster provisioning.
  2. cos.tf - Provisions or retrieves the Object Storage instance.

  3. logging.tf - Provisions or retrieves the Log Analysis instance.

  4. monitoring.tf - Provisions or retrieves the Monitoring instance.

  5. kms.tf - Retrieves an existing Key Protect instance and details about the root key.

  6. network.tf

    • Provisions a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

    • Provisions three VPC Subnets across three zones in the region.

    • Defines a set of Security Group rules on default security group and removes allow ALL default outbound rule.

    • Current Rules are shown in the following table. These rules are added before creating cluster.

      Direction Protocol Port or Value Source / Destination type
      Inbound tcp 22-22 any
      Inbound icmp 8 any
      Outbound All - sg_group
      Outbound All -
      Outbound All -
      Outbound All - All three subnet CIDRS
  7. iam.tf - Sets up the required IAM service authorization policies between Kubernetes Service and Key Protect.


Review the following variables that you can customize in your Terraform templates to create the related IBM Cloud resources for your secure OpenShift cluster.

Name Description Type Default Required
ibmcloud_api_key IBM Cloud IAM API key. string N/A Yes
region IBM Cloud region for the VPC cluster. string N/A Yes
resource_group Name of the IBM Cloud resource group to create the resources in. If set to null, the default resource group is used. string null No
cos_instance CRN of the IBM Cloud Object Storage instance. If set to null, an instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-cos string null No
resource_prefix Prefix to use for created resource names. string N/A Yes
flavor The flavor for the VPC worker nodes to create in the cluster. To list available flavors, run ibmcloud ks flavors --zone <vpc_region>-1. string bx2.4x16 No
ocp_version Specify the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version. To list versions, run ibmcloud ks versions. string 4.6_openshift No
ocp_entitlement The value that is used to decide how your worker nodes are entitled to run OpenShift Container Platform. For more information, see the --entitlement option description in the docs. string N/A Yes
disable_public_service_endpoint Disable the public cloud service endpoint to prevent public access to the master. bool true No
worker_nodes_per_zone The number of worker nodes per zone. number 3 No
create_timeout Custom creation timeout for the cluster. string N/A No
wait_till The stage when you want Terraform to mark the cluster resource creation as completed. More details here string IngressReady No
roks_kms_policy Indicates if a Kubernetes Service to Key Protect service authorization policy exists in IAM. If false, a policy between the services is created. bool true No
kms_instance GUID of the Key Protect instance to use to encrypt the secrets in the cluster. If set to null, an instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-kp string null No
kms_key Key ID of the root key in the Key Protect instance to use. If set to null, an instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-kp-key string null No
standard_key_type Determines if the root key is a standard key or not. This variable is used only during creation of a Key Protect root key in this module. bool false No
monitoring_instance GUID of the IBM Cloud Monitoring instance. If set to null, an instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-sysdig string null No
monitoring_access_key The IBM Cloud Monitoring ingestion key that you want to use for your configuration. string N/A No
logging_instance GUID of IBM Cloud Log Analysis instance. If set to null, an instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-logdna string null No
logging_ingestion_key The IBM Cloud Log Analysis ingestion key that you want to use for your configuration. string N/A No
private_endpoint Add this option to connect to your Log Analysis and Monitoring service instances through the private cloud service endpoint. bool N/A No
activity_tracker_instance GUID of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance. If set to null, a instance is created with the following naming convention: <var.resource_prefix>-at string null No
custom_sg_rules Custom VPC security group rules. For more information, review the following custom_sg_rules object. list(object) [] No
ip_ranges An ordered list of IP address ranges on which the three VPC subnets are created, for the region. If the subnets are created in the us-south region, the IP address ranges must match the IP address ranges of the region's zones, [us-south-1, us-south-2, us-south-3].Conflicts with number_of_addresses argument For more information, see Designing an address plan in the VPC documentation. list(string) null No
number_of_addresses Number of IPV4 Addresses. Conflicts with ip_ranges argument number null No

custom_sg_rules object

For more information about security groups, see the VPC documentation.

Name Description Type Default Required
name Name of security group rule. string N/A Yes
direction Direction of security group rule. Accepted values are inbound or outbound. string N/A Yes
remote The ID of the security group, which might be an IP address, a CIDR block, or a single security group identifier. string N/A No
ip_version The IP version. Accepted values are ipv4 and ipv6. string N/A no
icmp A nested block that describes the icmp protocol of this security group rule. You cannot use this object if you use tcp or udp. For more information, see the following icmp object. object N/A No
tcp A nested block that describes the tcp protocol of this security group rule. You cannot use this object if you use icmp or udp. For more information, see the following tcp object. object N/A No
udp A nested block that describes the udp protocol of this security group rule. You cannot use this object if you use icmp or tcp. For more information, see the following udp object. object N/A No

icmp object

Name Description Type Default Required
type The ICMP traffic type to allow. Valid values from 0 to 254. int N/A Yes
code The ICMP traffic code to allow. Valid values from 0 to 255. int N/A No

tcp object

Name Description Type Default Required
port_min The inclusive lower bound of TCP port range. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. int N/A Yes
port_max The inclusive upper bound of TCP port range. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. int N/A Yes

udp object

Name Description Type Default Required
port_min The inclusive lower bound of UDP port range. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. int N/A Yes
port_max The inclusive upper bound of UDP port range. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. int N/A Yes

Notes on the input variables

  • For the custom security group rules: If none of the icmp, tcp, and udp objects are specified, the template creates a rule with a protocol to allow ALL.
  • For the template to create a KMS instance and root key, you must leave empty both kms_instance and kms_key objects.


terraform init

terraform plan

terraform apply

terraform destroy