
This module is used to create any number of Network Access Control Lists in a single VPC.

Primary LanguageHCL

VPC Network ACLs Module

This module is used to create any number of Network Access Control Lists in a single VPC.


Module Variables

Name Type Description Sensitive Default
prefix string The prefix that you would like to append to your resources
vpc_id string ID of the VPC where address prefixes will be created
tags list(string) List of Tags for each resource []
network_cidr string OPTIONAL - Network CIDR for add cluster rules. If null, will default to null

Network ACL Variable

The type of the network ACL variable is the following:

  type = list(
      name              = string                 # Name of the ACL. The value of `var.prefix` will be prepended to this name
      add_cluster_rules = optional(bool)         # Dynamically create cluster allow rules
      resource_group_id = optional(string)       # ID of the resource group where the ACL will be created
      tags              = optional(list(string)) # List of tags for the ACL
      rules = list(
          name        = string # Rule Name
          action      = string # Can be `allow` or `deny`
          destination = string # CIDR for traffic destination
          direction   = string # Can be `inbound` or `outbound`
          source      = string # CIDR for traffic source
          # Any one of the following blocks can be used to create a TCP, UDP, or ICMP rule
          # to allow all kinds of traffic, use no blocks
          tcp = optional(
              port_max        = optional(number)
              port_min        = optional(number)
              source_port_max = optional(number)
              source_port_min = optional(number)
          udp = optional(
              port_max        = optional(number)
              port_min        = optional(number)
              source_port_max = optional(number)
              source_port_min = optional(number)
          icmp = optional(
              type = optional(number)
              code = optional(number)

Example Usage

# Create VPC

resource "ibm_is_vpc" "vpc" {
  name                        = var.vpc_name == null ? "${var.prefix}-vpc" : var.vpc_name
  resource_group              = var.resource_group_id
  classic_access              = var.classic_access
  address_prefix_management   = var.use_manual_address_prefixes == false ? null : "manual"
  default_network_acl_name    = var.default_network_acl_name
  default_security_group_name = var.default_security_group_name
  default_routing_table_name  = var.default_routing_table_name
  tags                        = var.tags


# Network ACLs

module "network_acls" {
  source       = "github.com/Cloud-Schematics/vpc-network-acl-module"
  prefix       = var.prefix
  vpc_id       = ibm_is_vpc.vpc.id
  network_cidr = var.network_cidr
  network_acls = var.network_acls
