
Ansible role to install Erlang/OTP Rabbitmq

Primary LanguageMakefile


Ansible role to install Erlang/OTP versions provided by RabbitMQ.

/!\ Not compatible with ansible > 2.8.7 < 2.8.13 due to a bug


Debian / Ubuntu

  • apt-transport-https
  • gpg-agent
  • ca-certificates

CentOS / RedHat

  • gnupg2

Role Variables

Defaults variables are inside defaults/main.yml

erlang_series: 22

erlang_rpm_repo_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/rpm/el
erlang_rpm_gpg_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/gpg.E495BB49CC4BBE5B.key
erlang_rpm_repo_tpl: etc/yum.repos.d/rabbitmq_erlang.repo.j2

erlang_deb_repo_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/deb
erlang_deb_gpg_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang/gpg.E495BB49CC4BBE5B.key
erlang_deb_repo_tpl: etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq_erlang.list.j2
erlang_deb_pinning_tpl: etc/apt/preferences.d/erlang.j2


  • erlang_series

    • should be an integer (21,22,23 available at 06.19.2021)
    • don't forget to choose a serie compatible with the rabbitmq version that will be installed (see rabbitmq documentation)
  • erlang_rpm_repo_url

    • repository base url used for the yum template
  • erlang_rpm_gpg_url

    • gpg key to used for the yum template
  • erlang_rpm_repo_tpl

    • path to the yum repository template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in templates
      • use a different path than the default one
      • keep the repository name as rabbitmq_erlang
  • erlang_series_rpm_version

    • install a specific version of the erlang_series for the Centos / Redhat systems
    • examples:
  • erlang_deb_repo_url

    • repository base url used for the apt template
  • erlang_deb_gpg_url

    • gpg key to used for the apt template
  • erlang_deb_repo_tpl

    • path to the apt repository template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in templates
      • use a different path than the default one
  • erlang_deb_pinning_tpl

    • path to the apt pinning template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in templates
      • use a different path than the default one
  • erlang_series_deb_version

    • install a specific version of the erlang_series for Debian systems
    • examples:

Example Playbook

- hosts: rabbitmq
     - { role: rockandska.erlang, erlang_series: 20 }

Local Testing


python3 <3.8 docker

Run tests

$ make test

After a first run, additional targets for each tox env / molecule scenario should be available through auto-completion.

To debug and run a custom molecule command on custom environment with only default test scenario:

$ source tmp/bin/activate
$ tox -e py3-ansible27 -- molecule test -s default

For more information about molecule go to their docs.

If you would like to run tests on remote docker host just specify DOCKER_HOST variable before running tox tests.
