
Ansible role to provision and install RabbitMQ nodes and/or clusters

Primary LanguageJinja


Ansible role to install RabbitMQ from RabbitMQ repository.
Available on Ansible Galaxy

Ansible Galaxy :
Galaxy Score

Travis Build :
Build Status


3.6.x Deprecated
3.7.x Deprecated
3.8 OK[1]
> 3.8 Not tested
CentOS 7 OK
CentOS > 7 Not tested
Debian 9 OK
Debian > 9 Not tested
Ubuntu bionic OK
Ubuntu > bionic Not tested
  1. rabbitmq_peer_discovery_classic mode KO, cluster nodes should be added manually

Requirements on remote hosts

All distro

  • ansible-role-erlang applied (don't forget to use an erlang serie compatible with the rabbitmq version who will be installed. See rabbitmq documentation)
  • socat
  • logrotate
  • python requests >= 1.0.0 ( if using bindings , exchanges, queues management provided by this role )
  • For a cluster, hosts part of the cluster should be resolvable by their hostnames

Debian / Ubuntu

  • apt-transport-https
  • gpg-agent
  • ca-certificates

CentOS / RedHat

  • gnupg2

Role Variables

Defaults variables are inside defaults/main.yml

# Install #
rabbitmq_series: 3.8

rabbitmq_rpm_repo_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/rpm/el
rabbitmq_rpm_gpg_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/gpg.9F4587F226208342.key
rabbitmq_rpm_repo_tpl: etc/yum.repos.d/rabbitmq.repo.j2

rabbitmq_deb_repo_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/deb
rabbitmq_deb_gpg_url: https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/gpg.9F4587F226208342.key
rabbitmq_deb_repo_tpl: etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq.list.j2
rabbitmq_deb_pinning_tpl: etc/apt/preferences.d/rabbitmq.j2

# Custom Config #
rabbitmq_vars_files: []

rabbitmq_sysctl_tpl: etc/rabbitmq/sysctl.conf.j2
rabbitmq_sysctl_config: {}

rabbitmq_erlang_tpl: etc/rabbitmq/erlang.config.j2

rabbitmq_systemd_override_tpl: etc/systemd/system/rabbitmq-server.service.d/override.conf.j2
rabbitmq_systemd_override: {}

rabbitmq_custom_logrotate_tpl: etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server.j2

# Cluster #
rabbitmq_peer_discovery_classic: true
rabbitmq_cluster_node_type: disc

# Plugins #
rabbitmq_plugins_to_enable: []
rabbitmq_plugins_to_disable: []

# Users #
rabbitmq_users_to_create: []
rabbitmq_users_to_delete: []

# Api user #

# Vhosts #
rabbitmq_vhosts_to_create: []
rabbitmq_vhosts_to_delete: []

# Queues #
rabbitmq_queues_to_create: []
rabbitmq_queues_to_delete: []

# Exchange #
rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create: []
rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete: []

# Bindings #
rabbitmq_bindings_to_create: []
rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete: []

# Policies #
rabbitmq_policies_to_create: []
rabbitmq_policies_to_delete: []

# Debug #
rabbitmq_hide_log: true


  • rabbitmq_series

    • should be a float (3.8 available at 07.07.2021)
  • rabbitmq_rpm_repo_url

    • repository base url used for the yum template
  • rabbitmq_rpm_gpg_url

    • gpg key to used for the yum template
  • rabbitmq_rpm_repo_tpl

    • path to the yum repository template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in templates
      • use a different path than the default one
      • keep the repository name as rabbitmq
  • rabbitmq_series_rpm_version

    • install a specific version of the rabbitmq_series for the Centos / Redhat systems
    • example:
  • rabbitmq_rpm_disable_repo

    • used if you want to use the capability to disable some repositories when installing rabbitmq

    • default: ""

    • example:

      rabbitmq_rpm_disable_repo: "*"
  • rabbitmq_rpm_enable_repo

    • used if you want to use the capability to enable only some repositories in case you use rabbitmq_rpm_disable_repo: "*" when installing rabbitmq

    • default: ""

    • example:

      rabbitmq_rpm_enable_repo: "rabbitmq"
  • rabbitmq_deb_repo_url

    • repository base url used for the apt template
  • rabbitmq_deb_gpg_url

    • gpg key to used for the apt template
  • rabbitmq_deb_repo_tpl

    • path to the apt repository template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in templates
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbitmq_deb_pinning_tpl

    • path to the apt pinning template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in a templates directory
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbitmq_series_deb_version

    • install a specific version of the rabbitmq_series for Debian systems
    • example:
  • rabbitmq_vars_files

    • list of vars files used to override defaults variables if needed
    • if using relative path, put those files next to your playbook in vars directory
    • example:
        - settings.yml
  • rabbitmq_sysctl_tpl

    • path to the rabbitmq sysctl config template
    • only apply to versions >= 3.7 (See RabbitMQ docs)
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in a templates directory
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbit_systctl_config

    • a dict representing the custom rabbitmq systctl config to apply
    • each dict level will be concatenate by a .
    • put specials variables between double quotes (example: "true")
    • examples:
            default: 5673
            on: "true"
       # Will result into rabbitmq.conf as:
       # tcp_listen_options.linger.on = true
       # listeners.tcp.default = 5673
  • rabbitmq_erlang_tpl

    • path to the rabbitmq erlang config template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in a templates directory
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbitmq_erlang_config

    • a multiline string with the rabbitmq config in erlang format to apply
    • will be used as rabbitmq.config for version <=3.6
    • will be used as advanced.conf for version >=3.7
    • don't enclose the configuration with [ and ]. , it is done inside the template
    • example:
    rabbitmq_erlang_config: |
      {rabbit, [
          {tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}]}
  • rabbitmq_systemd_override_tpl

    • path to the rabbitmq systemd override template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in a templates directory
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbitmq_systemd_override

    • a dict representing the systemd override config
    • the first level is used for the ini section
    • the second level is used for the key / value
    • example:
          LimitNOFILE: 30000
      # Will result into the systemd override file as:
      # [Service]
      # LimitNOFILE=30000
  • rabbitmq_custom_logrotate_tpl

    • path to the rabbitmq custom logrotate template
    • if you want to use your own template
      • add your template next to your playbook in a templates directory
      • use a different path than the default one
  • rabbitmq_custom_logrotate

    • a multiline string with the logrotate options for rabbitmq logs

    • will erase the default config

    • /!\ Be aware that if you replace the default logrotate config by a custom one, the configuration applied will persist even if you unset this variable

    • example:

      rabbitmq_custom_logrotate: |
        rotate 40
      # Will result into the logrotate config file as:
      # /var/log/rabbitmq/*.log {
      #   weekly
      #   missingok
      #   rotate 40
      #   compress
      #   notifempty
      # }
  • rabbitmq_is_master

    • true / false

    • tag the host as a master

    • not mandatory in standalone install

    • only use to know on which node the api calls and commands will be done and where to get the cookie to propagate.

    • Example:

      rabbitmq_is_master: true
  • rabbitmq_slave_of

    • inventory name of the master to join

    • tag the host as a slave

    • not mandatory in standalone install

    • need to be a hostname/IP/alias who exist in the inventory

    • Example:

      rabbitmq_slave_of: rabbitmq-master.internal
  • rabbitmq_peer_discovery_classic

    • default: true
    • the cluster configuration will be automatically generated and added to the configuration file based on inventory names (depends on rabbitmq_is_master , rabbitmq_slave_of role variable.)
  • rabbitmq_cluster_node_type

    • default: disc
    • whether the node is of type disc or ram
  • rabbitmq_users_to_create

    • list of dict for users creation

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • Example:

        - user: admin
          password: admin
          vhost: vhost_test
          configure_priv: .*
          read_priv: .*
          write_priv: .*
          tags: administrator
  • rabbitmq_users_to_delete

    • list of users to delete

    • Example:

        - guest
  • rabbitmq_management_user

    • User used by rabbitmq_management plugin
    • Used if one or more of those configurations are set:
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_create
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete
    • Don't forget to configure rabbitmq_management to only allow connection from localhost if needed
  • rabbitmq_management_password

    • password for the user used by rabbitmq_management plugin

    • Used if one or more of those configurations are set:

      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_create
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete
    • Don't forget to configure rabbitmq_management to only allow connection from localhost if needed

  • rabbitmq_management_host

    • default: localhost
    • Used if one or more of those configurations are set:
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_create
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete
    • Don't forget to configure rabbitmq_management to only allow connection from localhost if needed
  • rabbitmq_management_port

    • default: 15672
    • Used if one or more of those configurations are set:
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create
      • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_create
      • rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete
    • Don't forget to configure rabbitmq_management to only allow connection from localhost if needed
  • rabbitmq_plugins_to_enable

    • list of plugins to enable

    • example:

        - rabbitmq_management
        - rabbitmq_shovel
  • rabbitmq_plugins_to_disable

    • list of plugins to disable

    • example:

        - rabbitmq_shovel
  • rabbitmq_vhosts_to_create

    • list of dict for vhosts creation

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • Example:

        - name: vhost_test
          tracing: yes
  • rabbitmq_vhosts_to_delete

    • list of vhost to delete

    • Example:

        - /
  • rabbitmq_queues_to_create

    • list of queues to create

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: queue_test
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_queues_to_delete

    • list of queues to delete

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: queue_test
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_create

    • list of exchanges to create

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: exchange_test
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_exchanges_to_delete

    • list of exchanges to delete

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: exchange_test
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_bindings_to_create

    • list of bindings to create

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: exchange_test
          destination: queue_test
          destination_type: queue
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_bindings_to_delete

    • list of bindings to delete

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: exchange_test
          destination: queue_test
          destination_type: queue
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_policies_to_create

    • list of policies to create

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

         - name: HA                                                       
           vhost: vhost_test
           pattern: .*
             ha-mode: all                                                           
  • rabbitmq_policies_to_delete

    • list of policies to delete

    • refer to ansible doc for mandatory options and version compatibility

    • example:

        - name: HA
          vhost: vhost_test
  • rabbitmq_hide_log

    • default: true
    • don't show the log for api calls to avoid leak of sensible informations
    • set to false for debug

Example Playbook


- hosts: rabbitmq
    - rockandska.erlang
    - rockandska.rabbitmq


Since it is require to have the master node started before getting the slaves joining, do the cluster deployment in two steps.

- hosts: rabbitmq-master
    - role: rockandska.erlang
    - role: rockandska.rabbitmq
        rabbitmq_is_master: true

- hosts: rabbitmq-slave
    - role: rockandska.erlang
    - role: rockandska.rabbitmq
        rabbitmq_slave_of: rabbitmq-master

Local Testing


python3 <3.8 docker

Run tests

$ make test

After a first run, additional targets for each tox env / molecule scenario should be available through auto-completion.

To debug and run a custom molecule command on custom environment with only default test scenario:

$ source tmp/bin/activate
$ tox -e py3-ansible27 -- molecule test -s default

For more information about molecule go to their docs.

If you would like to run tests on remote docker host just specify DOCKER_HOST variable before running tox tests.
