
monitor AWS activity and get alerts with this serverless easy to setup application

Primary LanguagePython

AWS Monitoring and Alerting Solution Service Example

Youtube link:



  • IAM Role with SNS and cloudwatch Access
  • SNS Topic with subsriber that reveives the message
  • Lambda function with code that sends sms to a topic
  • Cloudwatch event rule that will trigger based off event pattern


  1. Create the IAM Role
  2. Create the SNS Topic
  3. Create the Lambda function
  4. Create the cloudwatch event rule with event pattern
  5. Simulate the event with login/ logout

Deploy this stack with a Cloudformation template we have created.

  • Fork/Clone this repo.

  • Package the code and package with this command. Make sure to replace the s3 bucket name with a bucket you own

    aws cloudformation package --template-file sendSMSwhenConsoleLogin.yaml --s3-bucket your-s3-bucket --output-template-file output.yaml
  • Deploy the stack with this command. You need to supply the email of the receipient in this command.

    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output.yaml --stack-name console-login-sns-test1 --parameter-overrides         SNSEmailParameter=youremail@gmail.com --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_IAM
  • Now check your email for SNS confirmation to confirm subscription.

  • Now log out and log back into the AWS Management Console. You should receive an email in a few minutes mentioning the user who logged in as well in the email.

Manual Steps

Create an SNS Topic


Confirm SNS email


Create rule


Logged in - 7:05 Notified- almost immediately

