
This repository has files to implement a end to end kubernetes(AKS) multi-tenant architecture in your organisation(even they are using Azure, AWS or GCP), where each tenant(teams or applications) will be provisioned with 'Namespace' basically a logical separation in k8s which helps in attaining multi-tenancy easily.


This repository has files to implement a end to end kubernetes(AKS) multi-tenant architecture in your organisation(Azure,Azure or GCP), where each tenant(teams or applications) will be provisioned with 'Namespace' basically a logical separation in k8s which helps in attaining multi-tenancy easily.


  1. Creation of Server principal and Client Principal in AWS IAM or Azure Azure Active Directory(AAD). Follow this article to know how to create one for your org: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/azure-ad-rbac
  2. Spinning up an RBAC enabled Kubernetes Cluster using Azure CLI Command.
  3. Prepare Yamls for each tenants(Role and RoleBinding).
  4. Define add-on Yamls(resource quota, limit range).
  5. DevOps integaraton for deploying applications into provisioned Kubernetes(AKS) cluster. Follow this article for integrating with AzureDevOps(AzDo): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/ecosystems/kubernetes/aks-template?view=azure-devops

In case of any doubts tweet me at @theazureguy007 or watch this complete youtube video how to implement: