
The pi: The following configuration has been done with raspbian Wheezy on the pi.

##Using the deployement script

Just run the following command when your pi is connected on ethernet.

wget -O - | sudo sh


  • virtualenv
  • socketIO-client
  • pySerial
  • dropbox

####Step by step Installing virutalenv,

sudo easy_install-pypy virtualenv

And then creating the virtual python environnement:

virtualenv  ~/.socketenv

Unfortunatly, the binaries may not have been added to the path, you will need to lanch it from the source:

/usr/lib/pypy-upstream/bin/virtualenv ~/.socketenv

Activating the environnement to install socketIO and pySerial

source ~/.socketenv/bin/activate

Then install the dependecies:

pip install -U pySerial socketIO-client dropbox

You may also have an issue with pip, then once again:

sudo ./.sockentenv/bin/pip install -U pySerial socketIO-client dropbox

and leave the environnement:

Running the script at startup :
 sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Adding the following snippet juste before the exit 0 (considering that the variable path does not already exists)

 cd /home/pi/growstuff ; sudo ./ > socket.log 2>&1 &