This repo is Kaist kaist CS459 class training doc - 20161011
Short URL : https://aka.ms/cs459
Cloud and Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure, created by Microsoft, for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed and Microsoft partner hosted datacenters.
Overview presentation of Cloud and Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure : https://azure.microsoft.com
Azure Portal
The Microsoft Azure portal is a central place where you can provision and manage your Azure resources.
Azure new portal : https://portal.azure.com/
Azure classic portal : https://manage.windowsazure.com
Microsoft Azure portal overview
Azure VM sizes
This article describes the available sizes and options for the Azure virtual machines you can use to run your Windows apps and workloads.
Sizes for virtual machines in Azure
Azure pricing & usage management
Estimate your expected monthly bill using our Pricing Calculator, and track your actual account usage and bill at any time using the billing portal.
Azure Linux VM creation for Node-RED
This link shows you how to use the Azure portal to create a Linux Virtual Machine quickly. The only requirements are an Azure account and SSH public and private key files.
Create a Linux VM on Azure using the Portal
- Visit Azure portal : https://portal.azure.com
- Create Resource Group as resource container
- click top left Resource Group -> click Add -> type Resource group name, and Resource group location set Japan West -> click Create
- Create VM
- New -> Compute -> Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS -> click Create
- Basics window -> Type Name -> type User Name -> change Authencatetion type to Password -> type Password -> change Resource Group to just created resource group -> change Location to Japan West -> click OK
- Size window -> select DS1_V2 standard size
- Settings window -> all default click OK
- Summary windows -> click OK
- Access on VM by SSH
Appendix :
Create a virtual machine running Windows in the Azure classic portal
How to set up endpoints on a classic Windows virtual machine in Azure
SSH key creation (Option)
With an SSH keypair you can create Virtual Machines on Azure that default to using SSH keys for authentication, eliminating the need for passwords to log in.
Create SSH keys on Linux and Mac for Linux VMs in Azure
Reset SSH access (Option)
Manage users, SSH, and check or repair disks on Azure Linux VMs using the VMAccess Extension
Install Node-RED
Node-RED is a tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways.
Node-red is based on node.js -> install node.js first.
Install node-red by following command:
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
// Ubuntu distro. - with Aptitude package manager one can install the package nodejs and npm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
// install node-red
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
By default, all VM inbound port is blocked, except SSH(port 22). To open another VM inbound port(ex. HTTP 80 port, Node-red 1880 port), process in Azure Portal "Network Security Group".
Opening ports to a VM in Azure using the Azure Portal
Opening ports to a VM in Azure using the Azure Classic Portal
Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT hub documentation
Azure and Internet of Things
IoT Mission
Build your own real-world IoT solution to receive data from device to IoT cloud data storage in 60 min.
- Simulated IoT device
- Send JSON data to Azure IoT hub
- Process realtime IoT data in Stream Analytics
- Store JSON data in Azure blob storage
common hands-on, deploy Azure services for IoT
- Log on to Azure Portal - https://portal.azure.com/
- Click new - type "resource group" - create - type name and change location to "Japan West"
- Click new - internet of things - IoT hub click - type name - change Resource group to just created - click create button
- Click new - internet of things - Stream analytics Job - type job name and change Resource group to just created - click create button
- Click new - sStorage - Storage account - type name - change Replication to "Locally-redundant storage(LRS)" and change Resource group to just created - click create button
- click IoT Hub - "Shared access policy" - iothubowner - copy "connection string primary key". This is used in your app as connectionstring value.
You can choice your prefer language between node.js and C# to simulate IoT device
node.js hands-on coding
// Fork and clone https://github.com/CloudBreadPaPa/kaist-cs459 repository.
// Open kaist-cs459\node\createdeviceidentity folder CreateDeviceIdentity.js file
// Change below connection string code value as yours
var connectionString = 'HostName=something.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=somgthing';
device.deviceId = 'kaist-device-00';
//Execute CreateDeviceIdentity.js app to generate device key
node CreateDeviceIdentity.js
// Open kaist-cs459\node\simulateddevice folder SimulatedDevice.js file
// Change below code
var connectionString = 'HostName=something.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=kaist-device-00;SharedAccessKey=generated-device-key';
//Execute SimulatedDevice.js app send IoT message to IoT Hub
node SimulatedDevice.js
C# hands-on coding
// Fork and clone https://github.com/CloudBreadPaPa/kaist-cs459 repository.
// open kaist-cs459\cs\cs459-iot folder, cs459-iot.sln Visual Studio solution file
// CreateDeviceIdentity project - Program.cs file
// Change below code to your connection string
static string connectionString = "HostName=something.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=something";
string deviceId = "dw-kaist-device00";
Execute project and generate device Key
// open SimulatedDevice project - Program.cs file
// change below code
static string iotHubUri = "something.azure-devices.net";
static string deviceKey = "generated-device-key";
deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey("dw-kaist-device00", deviceKey));
execute project to simulate IoT device.
common hands-on, set "Stream Analytics Job"
Go to Azure Portal - Reource Group - click your scream analytics - inputs - add - type name "input" and select "IoT Hub".
Azure automatically populate IoT hub information and set it as input - click save
Click outputs - add - type name "output" - Change Sink to "Blob storage" - select Storage account just created - click "create" button
In Stream Analytics - overview - click Start button on the top - start it now
Check output blob file.
Get started with Azure IoT Hub for Node.js
Get started with Azure IoT Hub for .NET
Get started with Azure Stream Analytics to process data from IoT devices
Stream Analytics outputs: Options for storage, analysis
Technical community
Microsoft Forum category with "Microsoft Azure Platform"
stackoverflow tag with "Azure"