
A redux to one of my past projects. Expanded upon by creating application framework on #GCP, analysis, and database + query capabilities around it.

Primary LanguagePython

Youtube Trending Video Analysis


by Raul Maldonado

Click here to see the deployment via #GCP

Table of Contents

Youtube Views

This is a redux of my Youtube Analysis project back in January 2018.

I utilizied Kaggle user Mitchell J's, Trending Youtube Video dataset to answer the following questions:

  • What are the top 10 trending
  1. Youtube videos

  2. Categories

  3. Youtube Channels

based on user view counts

Now, I would like to both answer the above questions, and so much more by emulating that past project. This emulation is done through development of some additional analysis, creating a streamline ETL process, app, and so much more.


Version 1 (2018)



Database Search

Database Search

Version 1 (2018)

  • Data

    • X number of .csv files outputted from python script
  • Resources

    • config.py file
    • templates
    • Images
  • database.sqlite

  • LegacyData-Imputation.py

  • README.md

  • YoutubeAPI-Interaction.py

  • ytAnalysis-app.py (Flask application)

Contact information:

Funny Cloud

  1. Create requirements.txt file
  2. Create app.yaml file
  3. gcloud app deploy Note: This version uses main.py instead of ytAnalysis-app.py
  • If using Flask 0.12.4 or below, use;

python3 ytAnalysis-app.py

  • If using Flask > 0.12.4 or above, use:

FLASK_APP=ytAnalysis-app.py flask run