
Step/Dir Controller based on teensy. Acts as a Modbus tcp slave, so a modbus master is needed for the setup. the master will need a library issuing different commands over the modbus registers.

Primary LanguageC


Step/Dir Controller based on teensy. Acts as a Modbus tcp slave, so a modbus master is needed for the setup. the master will need a library issuing different commands over the modbus registers. For the motion control, following arduino library is used: https://github.com/luisllamasbinaburo/Arduino-AsyncStepper

So this project consists of two parts:

1 - The MCU (teensy 4.1) "firmware" (including AsyncStepper Lib)
2 - The accompanying library for the PLC (OpenPLC or Codesys)


First Prototype for testing communication via modbus and implementing the slave firmware in arduino:

videos: https://youtube.com/shorts/akJ87RP2c9Q?feature=share

FIrst Prototype