
Terraform module which creates container registry resources used by workloads and accelerators.

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Container registry

This terraform module automates the creation of container registry resources on the azure cloud platform, enabling easier deployment and management of container images.


The main objective is to create a more logic data structure, achieved by combining and grouping related resources together in a complex object.

The structure of the module promotes reusability. It's intended to be a repeatable component, simplifying the process of building diverse workloads and platform accelerators consistently.

A primary goal is to utilize keys and values in the object that correspond to the REST API's structure. This enables us to carry out iterations, increasing its practical value as time goes on.

A last key goal is to separate logic from configuration in the module, thereby enhancing its scalability, ease of customization, and manageability.


  • data replication is possible across different geolocations
  • detailed access control is ensured through the use of scope maps
  • data protection is enhanced by encryption for data at rest
  • utilization of terratest for robust validation.
  • supports enhanced scalability and isolation through dedicated agent pools
  • flexibility to deploy multiple tasks using agent pools
  • integrates seamlessly with private endpoint capabilities for direct and secure connectivity.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
azurerm ~> 3.61
random ~> 3.5.1


Name Version
azurerm ~> 3.61


Name Type
azurerm_resource_group resource
random_string resource
azurerm_container_registry resource
azurerm_user_assigned_identity resource
azurerm_role_assignment resource
azurerm_container_registry_scope_map resource
azurerm_container_registry_token resource
azurerm_container_registry_token_password resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret resource
azurerm_container_registry_agent_pool resource
azurerm_container_registry_task resource
azurerm_private_endpoint resource
azurerm_subscription data source


Name Description Type Required
registry describes container registry related configuration object yes
naming contains the naming convention string yes


Name Description
acr container registry setup details
subscriptionId contains the current subscription id


As a prerequirement, please ensure that both go and terraform are properly installed on your system.

The Makefile includes two distinct variations of tests. The first one is designed to deploy different usage scenarios of the module. These tests are executed by specifying the TF_PATH environment variable, which determines the different usages located in the example directory.

To execute this test, input the command make test TF_PATH=default, substituting default with the specific usage you wish to test.

The second variation is known as a extended test. This one performs additional checks and can be executed without specifying any parameters, using the command make test_extended.

Both are designed to be executed locally and are also integrated into the github workflow.

Each of these tests contributes to the robustness and resilience of the module. They ensure the module performs consistently and accurately under different scenarios and configurations.


For agent pool tasks, a personal access token with the repo scope is required

Using a dedicated module, we've developed a naming convention for resources that's based on specific regular expressions for each type, ensuring correct abbreviations and offering flexibility with multiple prefixes and suffixes

Full examples detailing all usages, along with integrations with dependency modules, are located in the examples directory

To integrate seamlessly with the enterprise scale's centrally managed private dns zones within a connectivity subscription, you can employ the private dns submodule, designed to work effectively with an aliased provider.


Module is maintained by these awesome contributors.


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.
