A sidecar injector which change the time inside the container instead of the host.
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sidecar 方式修改时间会因缺少环境变量导致报错
#25 opened by hduzcc - 1
[feature] libfaketime 支援相對時間
#22 opened by huli-ctw - 1
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[feature] 希望自动注入的方式有时间差值策略的annotation
#12 opened by byteneco - 2
[feature] 希望能够将faketime设置为过去的时间
#13 opened by byteneco - 2
[bug] C++进程时间没有正确的设置
#15 opened by byteneco - 1
error parsing deploy.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 32: did not find expected key
#9 opened by DimanChauncey