
For showcasing the utility of the CloudScale Environment tools and the CloudScale Method, we decided to create a fictitious company with an application that we will drive from a mock-up state to a fully scalable and cost-effective version using the CloudScale project results as tools to achieve this goal easily and efficiently. To that end we took the existing TPC-W definition of an electronic commerce composed of a detailed requirements definitions as well as benchmarking metrics, and which has a legacy monolithic implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


CloudStore is an open-source sample e-commerce web application developed following the functional requirements defined by the TPC-W standard, and it's goal is to be used for the analysis of cloud characteristics of systems, such as capacity, scalability, elasticity and efficiency. It was developed as a Showcase application to validate the CloudScale tools that were developed during that EU funded project.

The application was developed in Java using the Spring framework and running on a Tomcat web application server, while using a MySQL database. Make sure you have installed all three before attempting to run CloudStore. For compiling it you will also need Maven.

It is necessary to populate the online shop with entries. The needed static files and images can be generated with the ImgGen tool or by other means, and the database can be automatically populated with a provided Java class. For convenience, a default database dump, static images and load generation scripts are available already prepared, in order to allow you to start testing a deployment in a very short time.

Different IaaS, PaaS, Storages and Architectures can be tested with little one little changes to the code or configuration, but such test are not described in this document.

NOTE: In source code you will find support for MongoDB. This feature is in alpha development stage and it's not ready for production usage.


Note that CloudStore requires the following software installed system where it will be running:

  • Java JDK 6 or 7 (it doesn't work with JDK 8)
  • Maven 2
  • Tomcat 7
  • MySQL 5.5


NOTICE: The following installation instructions were tested on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. For other platforms you may use different commands.

  1. Download source code from GitHub:

    $ wget https://github.com/CloudScale-Project/CloudStore/archive/v2.zip -O cloudstore.zip
  2. Unpack cloudstore.zip:

    $ unzip cloudstore.zip
  3. Change directory to CloudStore-2:

$ cd CloudStore-2
  1. Generate or import database. See Database section of this page.

  2. Configure the CloudStore application. See Configuration section of this page.

  3. Compile source code with Maven from directory where pom.xml file is located:

    $ mvn clean install -Phibernate
  4. Copy target/showcase-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war to Tomcat:

    $ sudo cp target/showcase-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/cloudstore.war
  5. Restart Tomcat

    $ sudo service tomcat7 restart
  6. Open application in browser typing the following URL to your browser:



Database can be manually generated or you can use existing dump that you can import into database.

OPTION 1: Generate database for SQL databases

  1. In src/main/resources/hibernate.xml file make sure the following line is uncommented:

    <prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">create-drop</prop>
  2. Make sure you have edited the configuration file for database src/main/resources/database/database.hibernate.properties. For more information see Configuration section.

  3. Then run generate.sh which takes two parameters: <sql|mongo> and <number of items>.

    For example: if you want to generate MySQL database with 1000 items, execute command:

    $ generate.sh sql 1000

OPTION 2: Import database for SQL databases

Because generating database from scratch is very slow we also provide a dump you can import into database. The dump is generated for 10000 books and it's available for download


Before you can use and deploy CloudStore you need to tell CloudStore where the database is and how to connect to it. Since we are using Hibernate ORM to interact with database, CloudStore support multiple SQL databases (tested only with MySQL). We have also implemented support for MongoDB.

MySQL configuration

Edit file src/main/resources/database/database.hibernate.properties and set:

  1. Configure JDBC driver

Option 1: If you are not using replication:


Option 2: If you are using replication:

  1. Configure JDBC url

Option 1: If you are not using replication:

jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://<host>/<database name>?autoReconnect=true

Option 2: If you are using replication:

jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql:replication://<master hostname>,<replica1 hostname>,<replica2 hostname>/<database name>?autoReconnect=true


  1. Configure connection pool size

  2. Configure JDBC credentials


    Replace <username> and <password> placeholders with username and password you are using to connect to database.


To deploy CloudStore on public or private cloud you can use our deployment scripts. We have also developed the distributed JMeter scripts in order to load test the CloudStore.

Otherwise, you can hand-install CloudStore in your computer or virtual machines, and generate load with Gatling, or manually by connecting your browser to the deployed site.

For running CloudStore on your computer you will need Tomcat, Spring and MySQL database installed. You can also import and run CloudStore from the Eclipse IDE. Before you can run CloudStore on Tomcat you will need to compile it into a .war archive. But before compiling the CloudStore you need to edit some configuration files.


With the configuration files you can tell CloudStore where it can find the images, and how to connect to database.


In this file set the url for CSS, JavaScript and image files:

eu.cloudscale.files.url.css - URL or path to folder with CSS files

eu.cloudscale.files.url.img - URL or path to folder with image files

eu.cloudscale.files.url.js - URL or path to folder with JavaScript files


In this file configure the MySQL database:

jdbc.driverClassName - Set to com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver if you want to use master-slave MySQL setup. Otherwise set it to com.mysql.jdbc.Driver value.

jdbc.url - Connection URL to the host and database. Format is jdbc:mysql://<host>/<database_name>.

Note: If you want to use a master-slave MySQL setup, use jdbc:mysql:replication:// format, otherwise jdbc:mysql://.

jdbc.username - Username to connect to database

jdbc.password - Password for the user to connect to database

jdbc.hibernate.dialect - Hibernate dialect


Copy compiled WAR target/showcase-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war to Tomcat webapps/ directory and restart Tomcat.


  1. Download ZIP archive from GitHub
  2. Extract ZIP archive somewhere on your filesystem
  3. Open Eclipse
  4. Choose File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
  5. Click Browser near Select root directory
  6. Click Finish