
DLT introduces a multitude of value propositions for the financial services industry. The pace of innovation is aggressively picking up in use cases pertaining to finance such as digital assets, tokenization and cryptocurrency. However, the security measures are significantly inadequate to support innovation. There is a growing need for increased vigilance and an industry-standard security framework.

The discussion forum for this group is available at Cloud Security Alliance Blockchain/ Distributed Ledger group in Circle.


Please clone this repository, you can then make changes to your copy and submit PR's (pull requests). For more details please see "Getting Started" below:

Getting started

You will need a GitHub account, some form of git client on your system, and a text editor.

Getting a GitHub account

Simply go to https://github.com/join and get a GitHub account, please then notify kseifried@cloudsecurityalliance.org of your GitHub ID so you can be added to the permissions list.

Getting git client software

There are two main options: GitHub desktop available for Windows/MacOS at https://desktop.github.com/ and a command line client, native to most Linux distributions (apt-get install git or yum install git), available via HomeBrew on MacOS (brew install git), or for Windows (https://git-scm.com/downloads).

Cloning the repository

In GitHub desktop click on the "Add" button, it may be hidden if you have already added other repositories, to show it click on the pull down arrow to show it, then choose "Clone Repository" and choose the "URL" tab. Enter the GitHub location of "cloudsecurityalliance/DLT-Security-Framework" and hit "Clone" to clone it.

Editing the files

Simply edit the files in the text editor of your choice (I like Atom, it's cross platform and has good plugin support https://atom.io/). Then save them, GitHub desktop will prompt you to create commit messages for any added/deleted/changed files, and then push them to your repository.

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

Once you have committed your changes to your clone of the repository you can submit a Pull Request (PR) to ask those changes to be included in the main repository "cloudsecurityalliance/DLT-Security-Framework". In GitHub desktop simply hit "Ctrl-R" (on Windows) or "Command-R" (on MacOS) and a PR request window will be opened in the web browser you last used, so make sure it opens in a browser where you can login (or are already logged in) to GitHub. Simply add a commit message if needed and submit it.

A review will be required before your changes are committed to the main branch.