This is a Algorithm calculation process Demo of A* (A Star)
Its purpose is to help you understand the A* algorithm quickly and efficiently.
you can watch every step of the calculation process
pause or replay in any timeline
if you want use this code
- Coordinate
The origin of this coordinate system is in the upper left corner, and the max point is in the lower right corner
- Interface
//Find the shortest path between "start" "end" two points ,outPath format is [x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2.........]
findPath(start_x: number, start_y: number, end_x: number, end_y: number, outPath: number[]): boolean;
//Verify the validity of this coordinate externally , if validity need return "true"
outFilter: (x: number, y: number) => boolean;
aStar.js file path is /aStar/js/aStar.js
frist load
<script src="aStar.js"></script>
do findPath
var astar = new findPath.aStar(); //new aStar object
var outPath = []; //resulte container Array
astar.findPath(1,1,1,8,outPath);//Calculation get path
map limit Filter
//a temp map
var map = [[1,1,1,1,1,1],
//set outFilter Filter Function
astar.outFilter = (x,y)=>{
return map[y][x] == 0;
var outPath = []; //resulte container Array
astar.findPath(1,1,1,8,outPath);//Calculation get path