This repository will contain userdata for apps and/or images to be used on the CloudVPS OpenStack environment.
The basic folder structure is based on these properties of a glance image: os_type / os_distro / os_version.userdata
This userdata file is used as-is, and passed as-is to the OpenStack Compute API as userdata parameter.
With os_type apps there is one exception, as there might not be an actual image for it.
If there is no image in glance, then a os_version.metadata file is required, that is set up as follows:
"name": "My Super App",
"description": "This is my extended description of this super app that i've developed",
"image_ref": "Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)",
"min_disk": 40,
"min_ram": 512,
"min_vcpu": 1
The image_ref field can be a glance image uuid, but using the glance image name is preferred, as images are updated regularly and uuid's will be different.
To generate a all.json file, you can run
It will read all files in the repository and merge them into a all.json file. Userdata will be included as references to the file.