
An iOS app using the CityBik.es API to get access to bike sharing programs around the world

Primary LanguageSwift

Bike Buddy

![Bike Buddy Icon](Bike Buddy/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon_AppStore.png)


A simple iOS app to get the nearest bike sharing stations to you. Works off of the fact that the company Bixi has a similar API for a lot of their bike sharing systems.


  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install Ruby and gems
    • brew install ruby
  3. Install Carthage
  4. Install SwiftLint
    • The version on Homebrew tends to be behind so get it from their GitHub Releases Page instead. At this time 0.31 is the latest.
  5. Install stuff from gems
  6. Get the workspace ready
    • fastlane ios setup
  7. Open up the project file in Xcode 8.0+

Third Party Use