
A barebones reveal.js deck for Deis presentations.

Primary LanguageHTML


A barebones reveal.js deck for Deis presentations.

Setting up

To get started, fork this repository and name it for your talk. Then, clone it and initialize submodules:

  • Clone with --recursive:
git clone ${REPO_URL} --recursive


  • Clone normally and then initialize submodules:
git clone ${REPO_URL}
git submodule update --init --recursive


Opening index.html in your browser should render the presentation. Make changes to the HTML and reload.

The document has HTML comments around blocks you'll likely want to customize.


Push to the gh-pages branch of your fork and GitHub Pages should start rendering your static presentation at your repository URL. For example: http://carmstrong.github.io/ceph-days-sf-deis-2015/

Past Talks

This template has been the basis for several talks: