AAInfographics is the Swift
language version of AAChartKit which is object-oriented, a set of easy-to-use, extremely elegant graphics drawing controls,based on the popular open source front-end chart library Highcharts. It makes it very fast to add interactive charts to your mobile projects. It supports single touch-drag for data inspection, multi-touch for zooming, and advanced responsiveness for your apps .
- Support
iOS 6
. - Powerful,support the
column chart
、bar chart
、area chart
、areaspline chart
、line chart
、spline chart
、radar chart
、polar chart
、pie chart
、bubble chart
、pyramid chart
、funnel chart
、columnrange chart
and other graphics. - Interactive、animated, the
effect is exquisite 、delicate、 smooth and beautiful. - Support
chain programming syntax
like Masonry. AAChartView + AAChartModel = Chart
In the AAInfographics,it follows a minimalist formula:Chart view + Chart model = The chart you want
. Like the powerful charts lib AAChartKit.
Column Chart | Column Range Chart | Area Chart |
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Line Chart | Step Area Chart | Step Line Chart |
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Spline Chart | Areaspline Chart | Stacked Polar Chart |
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Bubble Chart | Arearange Average Value Chart | Column Mixed Line Chart |
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- Drag the folder
into your project.
1.Add the following content into your view controller
import AAChartView.swift
2.Creat the instance object of chart view:AAChartView
CGFloat chartViewWidth = self.view.frame.size.width;
CGFloat chartViewHeight = self.view.frame.size.height;
aaChartView = AAChartView()
aaChartView?.frame = CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:chartViewWidth,height:chartViewHeight)
// set the content height of aachartView
// aaChartView?.contentHeight = self.view.frame.size.height
3.Configure the properties of chart model:AAChartModel
aaChartModel = AAChartModel.init()
.chartType(AAChartType.Column)//Can be any of the chart types listed under `AAChartType`.
.title("TITLE")//The chart title
.subtitle("subtitle")//The chart subtitle
.dataLabelEnabled(false) //Enable or disable the data labels. Defaults to false
.tooltipValueSuffix("USD")//the value suffix of the chart tooltip
.categories(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"])
.data([7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6])
.name("New York")
.data([0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3, 17.0, 22.0, 24.8, 24.1, 20.1, 14.1, 8.6, 2.5])
.data([0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4, 13.5, 17.0, 18.6, 17.9, 14.3, 9.0, 3.9, 1.0])
.data([3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5, 11.9, 15.2, 17.0, 16.6, 14.2, 10.3, 6.6, 4.8])
- Draw the chart(This method is called only for the first time after you create an AAChartView instance object)
//The chart view object calls the instance object of AAChartModel and draws the final graphic
🌹🌹🌹Congratulations! Everything was done!!! You will get what you want!!!
if you want to refresh chart content,you should do something as follow.According to your actual needs, select the function that fits you.
- Only refresh the chart data(This method is recommended to be called for updating the series data dynamically)
//Only refresh the chart series data
- Refresh the chart, minus the chart data (this method is recommended for subsequent refreshes after the first drawing of graphics has completed. If you want to update the chart data only, you should use the function
//Refresh the chart after the AAChartModel whole content is updated
- Note: The following
DEMO picture
is aGIF dynamic picture
which has a size of around 6M. If you don't see any dynamic preview, then this is because the picture resources were not fully loaded. In such a case please be patient and wait for the contents to finish loading. Maybe you need to reload this page.
Pie chart and bubble chart are special in AAInfographics,if you want to draw these charts,you should do some different things for AAChartModel,for example
- To draw a pie chart,you should configure the properties of
like this:
aaChartModel = AAChartModel()
.subtitle("virtual data")
.name("Language market shares")
["Java" ,67],
["OC" ,11],
["Go" ,30],
- To draw a bubble chart,you should configure the properties of
like this:
aaChartModel = AAChartModel()
.subtitle("JUST FOR FUN")
.data([[97, 36, 79],
[94, 74, 60],
[68, 76, 58],
[64, 87, 56],
[68, 27, 73],
[74, 99, 42],
[7, 93, 99],
[51, 69, 40],
[38, 23, 33],
[57, 86, 31],
[33, 24, 22]
.data([[25, 60, 87],
[2, 75, 59],
[11, 54, 8 ],
[86, 55, 93],
[5, 33, 88],
[90, 63, 44],
[91, 43, 17],
[97, 56, 56],
[15, 67, 48],
[54, 25, 81],
[55, 66, 11]
.data([[47, 47, 21],
[20, 12, 66],
[6, 76, 91],
[38, 30, 60],
[57, 98, 64],
[61, 47, 80],
[83, 60, 13],
[67, 78, 75],
[64, 12, 55],
[30, 77, 82],
[88, 66, 13]
- To draw a columnrange chart,you should configure the properties of
like this:
aaChartModel = AAChartModel()
.subtitle("observed in Gotham city")
.categories(["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"])
[-9.7, 9.4],
[-8.7, 6.5],
[-3.5, 9.4],
[-1.4, 19.9],
[0.0, 22.6],
[2.9, 29.5],
[9.2, 30.7],
[7.3, 26.5],
[4.4, 18.0],
[-3.1, 11.4],
[-5.2, 10.4],
[-13.5, 9.8]
enum AAChartType {
case Column = "column" //column chart
case Bar = "bar" //bar chart
case Area = "area" //area chart
case AreaSpline = "areaspline" //areaspline chart
case Line = "line" //line chart
case Spline = "spline" //spline chart
case Scatter = "scatter" //scatter chart
case Pie = "pie" //pie chart
case Bubble = "bubble" //bubble chart
case Pyramid = "pyramid" //pyramid chart
case Funnel = "funnel" //funnel chart
case ColumnRange = "columnrange" //column range chart
case AreaRange = "arearange" //area range chart
case AreaSplineRange = "areasplinerange" //area spline range chart
case Boxplot = "boxplot" //boxplot chart
case Waterfall = "waterfall" //waterfall chart
case Polygon = "polygon" //polygon chart
enum AAChartZoomType:String {
case None = "none"
case X = "x"
case Y = "y"
case XY = "xy"
enum AAChartAnimationType:String {
case EaseInQuad = "easeInQuad"
case EaseOutQuad = "easeOutQuad"
case EaseInOutQuad = "easeInOutQuad"
case EaseInCubic = "easeInCubic"
case EaseOutCubic = "easeOutCubic"
case EaseInOutCubic = "easeInOutCubic"
case EaseInQuart = "easeInQuart"
case EaseOutQuart = "easeOutQuart"
case EaseInOutQuart = "easeInOutQuart"
case EaseInQuint = "easeInQuint"
case EaseOutQuint = "easeOutQuint"
case EaseInOutQuint = "easeInOutQuint"
case EaseInSine = "easeInSine"
case EaseOutSine = "easeOutSine"
case EaseInOutSine = "easeInOutSine"
case EaseInExpo = "easeInExpo"
case EaseOutExpo = "easeOutExpo"
case EaseInOutExpo = "easeInOutExpo"
case EaseInCirc = "easeInCirc"
case EaseOutCirc = "easeOutCirc"
case EaseInOutCirc = "easeInOutCirc"
case EaseOutBounce = "easeOutBounce"
case EaseInBack = "easeInBack"
case EaseOutBack = "easeOutBack"
case EaseInOutBack = "easeInOutBack"
case Elastic = "elastic"
case SwingFromTo = "swingFromTo"
case SwingFrom = "swingFrom"
case SwingTo = "swingTo"
case Bounce = "bounce"
case BouncePast = "bouncePast"
case EaseFromTo = "easeFromTo"
case EaseFrom = "easeFrom"
case EaseTo = "easeTo"
Here are the ten concrete animation types of AAInfographics
Back | Bounce | Circ | Cubic | Elastic |
![]() |
![]() |
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![]() |
![]() |
Expo | Quad | Quart | Quint | Sine |
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![]() |
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![]() |
Property name | Property type | Description | Value Range |
title | String | The chart title | Any valid string |
subtitle | String | The chart subtitle | Any valid string |
chartType | AAChartType | The default series type for the chart. Can be any of the chart types listed under AAChartType . |
AAChartType.Column, AAChartType.Bar, AAChartType.Area, AAChartType.AreaSpline, AAChartType.Line, AAChartType.Spline, AAChartType.Pie, AAChartType.Bubble, AAChartType.Scatter, AAChartType.Pyramid, AAChartType.Funnel, AAChartType.Arearange, AAChartType.Columnrange |
stacking | AAChartStackingType | Whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other. Possible values are null to disable, "normal" to stack by value or "percent". When stacking is enabled, data must be sorted in ascending X order | AAChartStackingType.False, AAChartStackingType.Normal, AAChartStackingType.Percent |
symbol | AAChartSymbolType | A predefined shape or symbol for the marker. When null, the symbol is pulled from options.symbols. Other possible values are "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle" and "triangle-down" | AAChartSymbolType.Circle, AAChartSymbolType.Square, AAChartSymbolType.Diamond, AAChartSymbolType.Triangle, AAChartSymbolType.Triangle_down |
public var animationType:String? //The type of chart animation
public var title:String? //The chart title
public var subtitle:String? //The chart subtitle
public var chartType:String? //The default series type for the chart. Can be any of the chart types listed under `AAChartType`. Defaults to line
public var stacking:String? //Whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other. Possible values are null to disable, "normal" to stack by value or "percent". When stacking is enabled, data must be sorted in ascending X order
public var symbol:String? //A predefined shape or symbol for the marker. When null, the symbol is pulled from options.symbols. Other possible values are "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle" and "triangle-down"
public var zoomType:String? //Decides in what dimensions the user can zoom by dragging the mouse. Can be one of x, y or xy
public var inverted:Bool? //Whether to invert the axes so that the x axis is vertical and y axis is horizontal. When true, the x axis is reversed by default. If a bar series is present in the chart, it will be inverted automatically.Inverting the chart doesn't have an effect if there are no cartesian series in the chart, or if the chart is polar.Defaults to false
public var xAxisReversed:Bool? //Whether to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin. If the chart is inverted, the x axis is reversed by default. Defaults to false
public var yAxisReversed:Bool? //Whether to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin. If the chart is inverted, the x axis is reversed by default. Defaults to false
public var crosshairs:Bool? //Enable or disable the crosshairs
public var gradientColorEnable:Bool? //Enable or disable the gradient color
public var polar:Bool? //When true, cartesian charts like line, spline, area and column are transformed into the polar coordinate system. Requires `AAHighchartsMore.js`. Defaults to false
public var dataLabelEnabled:Bool? //Enable or disable the data labels. Defaults to false
public var xAxisLabelsEnabled:Bool? //Enable or disable the axis labels. Defaults to true
public var categories:Array<Any>? //Set new categories for the axis
public var xAxisGridLineWidth:Int? //The width of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area.Defaults to 0
public var yAxisLabelsEnabled:Bool? //Enable or disable the axis labels. Defaults to true
public var yAxisTitle:String? //The actual text of the axis title
public var yAxisGridLineWidth:Int? //The width of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area. Defaults to 1
public var colorsTheme:Array<Any>? //An array containing the default colors for the chart's series. When all colors are used, new colors are pulled from the start again. Defaults to:["#bb250c","#f67210","#fde680","#257679","#f1c6c5"]
public var series:Array<Any>? //An array of all the chart's series
public var legendEnabled:Bool? //Enable or disable the legend. Defaults to true
public var legendLayout:String? //The layout of the legend items. Can be one of "horizontal" or "vertical". Defaults to horizontal
public var legendAlign:String? //The horizontal alignment of the legend box within the chart area. Valid values are left, center and right.Defaults to center
public var legendVerticalAlign:String? //The vertical alignment of the legend box. Can be one of top, middle or bottom. Vertical position can be further determined by the y option.Defaults to bottom.
public var backgroundColor:String? //The background color or gradient for the outer chart area. Defaults to #FFFFFF
public var options3dEnable:Bool? //Wether to render the chart using the 3D functionality. Defaults to false
public var options3dAlpha:Int? //One of the two rotation angles for the chart. Defaults to 0
public var options3dBeta:Int? //One of the two rotation angles for the chart. Defaults to 0
public var options3dDepth:Int? //The total depth of the chart. Defaults to 100
public var borderRadius:Int? //The corner radius of the outer chart border. Defaults to 0
public var markerRadius:Int? //The radius of the point marker. Defaults to 4
If you want to shrink the size of the AAInfographics
lib ,you should do something like this:
- Delete the
file ofAAJSFiles
folder inAAInfographics
,The names of multiple files that need to be deleted are as follows
- AAHighchartsLib.js
- AAHighchartsMore.js
- AAFunnel.js
2.Change the content of AAChartView.html
<script src="AAHighchartsLib.js">
<script src="AAHighchartsMore.js">
<script src="AAFunnel.js">
to be
<script src="https://img.hcharts.cn/highcharts/highcharts.js">
<script src="https://img.hcharts.cn/highcharts/highcharts-more.js">
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* ┃ ┃神兽保佑
* ┃ ┃永无BUG!
* ┃ ┗━━━┓----|
* ┃ ┣┓}}}
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* ┗┓&&&┓-┏&&&┓┏┛-|
* ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫
* ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛
Language Version | Project Name | Source Code Link |
Swift | AAInfographics | https://github.com/AAChartModel/AAChartKit-Swift |
Objective C | AAChartKit | https://github.com/AAChartModel/AAChartKit |
AAInfographics is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
- 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 WARM TIPS!!! 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔
- Please contact me on GitHub,if there are any problems encountered in use.
- GitHub Issues : https://github.com/AAChartModel/AAChartKit-Swift/issues
- And if you want to contribute for this project, please contact me as well
- GitHub : https://github.com/AAChartModel
- StackOverflow : https://stackoverflow.com/users/7842508/codeforu
- JianShu : http://www.jianshu.com/u/f1e6753d4254
- SegmentFault : https://segmentfault.com/u/huanghunbieguan
- Support for the user to add delegate events after the graphics content loading was completed
- Support graphics to refresh global content dynamically
- Support graphics to refresh pure data (
) content dynamically
- Support graphics to refresh pure data in real time and scroll dynamically
- Support color layer gradient effects
- Support 3D graphics effects, valid only for partial graphics such as
column chart
、bar chart
、pie charts
、scatterplot chart
、bubble chart
, etc
- Support horizontal screen (full screen) effect
- Support setting graphics rendering animation freely
- Support rendered graphics to generate image files
- Support generating image files saved to the system album
- Support for users to configure
model object properties freely
- Support stacking the graphics
- Support reversing the graphics axis
- Support rendering the scatter chart
- Support rendering the column range map
- Support rendering the area range graph
- Support rendering the polar chart
- Support rendering the step line chart
- Support rendering the step area chart
- Support rendering the rectangular tree hierarchy diagrams
- Support rendering the circular progress bar chart
- Support adding clicked event callbacks for graphics