
Data-driven study of avalanches

Primary LanguagePython


Irstea shares online a big dataset of avalanche events. The format is in PDF and can be downloded from ftp://avalanchesftp.grenoble.cemagref.fr/epaclpa/EPA_listes_evenements/

In the scripts/ folder, one can find draft for parsing this data to tabular form.

Parsing of EPA data



Parsing the data

Edit the path in the scripts and run:

sh parse.sh

To transform the PDFs to txt files.

Then you can parse the txt files to create a Python a list of dictionnaries for each event:

python3 txtToDict.py epaParsed/*

It will create a pickle file events.dict containing the data, ready to be used in Python.

If you want to load your data in R, transform the python dictionnaries to TSV files:

python3 dictToTsv.py

There is still some bugs in the parsing of the data, feel free to improve the scripts!

Notes on the CampToCamp.org API

Can query outings through:


Converting WGS84 GPS coordinate system to Web Mercator Bbox in Python:

from pyproj import Proj, transform
print(transform(Proj(init='epsg:4326'), Proj(init='epsg:3857'), -0.1285907, 51.50809))  # longitude first, latitude second.

Notes for reading the Shapefiles for EPA data

One can use the Python lib at https://github.com/GeospatialPython/pyshp