
CluedIn External Search for Website Crawler.


This repository contains the code and associated tests for crawling a public website based of Entities and Clues that have set a value for the Organization.Website core vocabulary.


NuGet Packages

To use the Web External Search with the CluedIn server you will have to add the CluedIn.Enricher.Web nuget package to your environment.

Running Tests

A mocked environment is required to run integration and acceptance tests. The mocked environment can be built and run using the following Docker command:

docker-compose up --build -d

Use the following commands to run all Unit and Integration tests within the repository:

dotnet test .\ExternalSearch.Web.sln --filter Unit
dotnet test .\ExternalSearch.Web.sln --filter Integration

To run Pester acceptance tests


To review the WireMock HTTP proxy logs

docker-compose logs wiremock
