
The repository for the MQP project

Primary LanguagePython


The repository for the MQP project

What you will need

You will need to git clone and setup TRINA-WPI-2.0 before using the robopuppet

How to use?


  1. Go to your ros workspace
  2. Enter 'src' folder
  3. Create a new package
  4. Enter that package
  5. git clone https://github.com/CluelessTimeTraveler/RoboPuppetMQP.git

Connect to Serial Port

  1. Connect the Robopuppet via USB port
  2. Check the port name, if it is not '/dev/ttyACM0', then modify line31 in the SerialToRosMessage.py file accordingly.
  3. use roscore and rosrun SerialToRosMessage.py to see if the serial connection succeed

Use Robopuppet

  1. If everything setup correctly, use roslaunch RoboPuupetMQP trina2.launch
  2. Hit the play button in Gazebo
  3. Login use 'admin admin' or 'user user' or sign up one

Potential Problems during setup

  1. Missing Module. If you meet this problem, try apt-get that module,and double check the instruction in Trina2 repository
  2. Serial port disabled, use command 'sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0'