WikiScraperBot This is a bot made using, wikipedia pacakage for python, NLTK and some pacakages from sklearn. Things you'll need to install:- 1) Node.js 2) Python Things that can be done with this bot:- 1) Search for any topics avaliable on wikipedia. 2) Get relevant answers for any questions regarding any topics avaliable on Wikipedia. Demo images:- Some commands that can come in handy 1)'$$ loadfromurl-[last part of a wikipedia url]' ---- Directly scrapes data from a given url. Enter ONLY the last part of a url, for ex. 'Barack_Obama' in 2) '$$ unloaddata' ---- Unloads the currently requested data (completely), query and makes the bot ask you for new query. 3) '$$ unloaddatabacktolist' ---- Unloads only the currently requested data and returns to the point where the bot asks you to select one of the suggestions.