This Ansible role is responsible for creating Jira ticket based on provided template. Such role can be used in deployment process to create task in case of failed deployment. The role is using Jira API and is intended to be added at the level of deployment process of environment in bamboo deployment project. The role is based on default environment variables set by bamboo deployment.
Now the role is first checking if jira ticket with same title exists. If exists, then the current jira will be commented with log link to bamboo. If not exists, then Jira is created.
In catalog roles/create_jira/defaults/main.yml you can find all variables required by this role. Some of them are overwritten in playbook create_jira_task_your_app.yml based on environment variables
ansible variable | environment variable | description |
bamboo_release_name | bamboo_deploy_release | variable with release name that the deployment is rolling out |
environment_name | bamboo_deploy_environment | bamboo specific environment name from deployment project |
bamboo_release_url | bamboo_resultsUrl | variable that points to the URL that pass to the results of particular deployment |
jira_username | bamboo_your_app_devops_user | specifically for your_app dedicated user has been prepared to interact with Jira, defined as bamboo global variable |
jira_password | bamboo_your_app_devops_password | specifically for your_app dedicated user and password has been prepared to interact with Jira, defined as bamboo global variable |
Additional parameter that is defined via -e argument is application name which then is added into the name of jira task eg. PolicyCenter
To create the ticket automatically the Bamboo specific Final task has to be added. This task is executed always as a final step of each deployments.
In Guidewire project in standard deployment task as a last of the tasks we added a step to create flag file that is considered as flag for successful deployment. If the flag file is missing then the final step is considering the entire deployment as failed and can trigger the ansible role to create jira task. The role is first checking if jira ticket with same title exists. If exists, then the current jira will be commented with log link to bamboo. If not exists, then Jira is created
To trigger the jira task creation below command has been implemented as final task.
ansible-playbook ${bamboo_build_working_directory}/jira/ansible/create_jira_task_your_app.yml -e application_name=your_app
### Customize jira tasks
in directory ansible/roles/create_jira/templates you can find a template for jira task that is used to create jira ticket.
To handle different projects different templates can be prepared. Once you prepare different template with custom name like jira_response_your_app.json.j2
you can easily use it for the script by overwriting the value of variable file_name with format jira_response_your_app.json.
## Dependency and Requirements
As described in parameters this role is based on bamboo specific variables. If you want to use this role in different place then you can overwrite them by the -e command parameter of Ansible
New variable has been introduced to control if the Jira should be created for particular deployment - *call_jira_creation*. It should be exported as environment variables.
If the variable is not set, then by default it is taking the value as true and create ticket. At the level of Ansible variables for your_app project we have additional variable *call_jira_creation* in group vars to control the process.