Intro to Python I
Note: This project spans two modules (modules 1 and 2). You should roughly try to finish the first half of the problems during module 1 and the second half of the problems during module 2.
It's time to learn a new language! Python!
Python is a popular, easy-to-use programming language that has significant traction in the field.
Remember the goal is learning to learn, so keep track of what works for you and what doesn't as you go through the process of exploring Python.
Techniques for learning new languages
Try to relate things you already know in another language (e.g. what an array is) to the corresponding things in Python (e.g. a list) and how to use them.
Write a bunch of "toy programs" that demonstrate different key features of the language
Explore the standard library that's available for the language. Skim it briefly for now--the idea isn't to memorize everything but to file away generally what functionality is available.
Write a more substantial toy program that uses a variety of the features.
Again, keep track of what works for you. Try different things to see what works best for learning new languages.
- Installing Python 3
- JavaScript<->Python cheatsheet
- How to read Specs and Code
- Python 3 standard library
Getting started
Make sure you have Python 3 installed. You can check this by running python3 --version
in your terminal and ensuring that it returns a version string that is at least 3.6.5.
- Learn the basic syntax and structure of Python
- Implement a number of tiny Python programs that demonstrate Python syntax and language concepts.
Note: This project spans two modules (modules 1 and 2). You should roughly try to finish the first half of the problems during module 1 and the second half of the problems during module 2.
Each directory inside the src/
directory presents exercises revolving around a
particular concept in Python. Not all of these concepts are unique to Python (in
fact, most probably aren't). This means that you can leverage knowledge you've
obtained via exposure to other programming languages towards learning Python.
The suggested order for going through each of the directories is:
-- Hello worldbignum
-- Print some big numbersdatatypes
-- Experiment with type conversionmodules
-- Learn to import from modulesprinting
-- Formatted print outputlists
-- Python's version of arraystuples
-- Immutable lists typically for heterogenous dataslices
-- Accessing parts of listscomprehensions
-- List comprehensionsdictionaries
-- Dictionariesfunctions
-- Functionsargs
-- Arguments and Keyword Argumentsscopes
-- Global, Local, and Non-Local scopefile_io
-- Read and write from filescal
-- Experiment with module imports and implement a text-based calendarclasses
-- Classes and objects
Stretch Goals
One of Python's main philosophical tenets is its emphasis on readability. To that end, the Python community has standardized around a style guide called PEP 8. Take a look at it and then go over the code you've written and make sure it adheres to what PEP 8 recommends. Alternatively, PEP 8 linters exist for most code editors (you can find instructions on installing a Python linter for VSCode here). Try installing one for your editor!
Rewrite code challenges you've solved before or projects you've implemented before in a different language in Python. Start getting in as much practice with the language as possible!
Write a program to determine if a number, given on the command line, is prime.
- How can you optimize this program?
- Implement The Sieve of Eratosthenes, one of the oldest algorithms known (ca. 200 BC).