
An app That allows the user to search the ChickenCoop Api for video game recommendations based off of several User's selections.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



An app That allows the user to search the ChickenCoop Api for video game recommendations based off of several User's selections.

Set up

In order to run this application you will need to follow the steps below: ** or visit This link will open the live page on GitHub's environment.

clone into the repo using this link: https://github.com/Cmoconnor0823/Group-Project-One.git cd Group-Project_One

Application in Action

When the application is loaded you will be taken to the home page. From here the User will be asked to input several options that will allow for a personalized search of the videogames in the Chicken Coop Database. Once the User has chosen an Age range, a Console and a Genere and submitted their choices, 10 relavant videogames will return and display on the page in a card containing info about each game. Multiple searches will also display information on the page.


This page was built with the following technologies:

** [Git Bash]

** Visual Studio Code

** JavaScript

** BootStrap

** Css

** Sass

** Firebase

Features To Come:

Currently all searches are stored in a firebase database to be later used to trach search trends and other user information about the site.

For comments/ concerns contact the project Authors: Ruben Valdez, Jonathan Wells, Marco Pipes and Caitlin O'Connor

At: Ourtablebootcamp@gmail.com