
Integrate Habitat simulator with ROS

Primary LanguagePython


Integrate Habitat simulator with ROS


  • ROS version at least Kinetic
  • CMake version at least 2.8.3
  • Python version at least 3.4
  • Habitat simulator
  • Python packages: numpy, gym, keyboard, cv_bridge


  1. Install ROS on your system (https://www.ros.org/install/).

  2. Clone this repo into your ROS workspace (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src), and run catkin_make.

  3. Download and build Habitat-sim and Habitat-lab.

  4. Install required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. In file habitat-lab/habitat/tasks/nav/nav.py, find method step in class StopAction, and change line task.is_stop_called = True to task.is_stop_called=False in code of this method.

  6. Rebuild habitat-lab.


  1. Open terminal and enable root (e.g. via sudo su command).

  2. Run agent in simulator with keyboard operation via roslaunch habitat_ros keyboard_agent.launch.

Node parameters

  • rgb_topic (default: None) - topic to publish RGB image from simulator
  • depth_topic (default: None) - topic to publish depth image from simulator
  • camera_info_topic (default: None) - topic to publish information about camera calibration (read from file)
  • camera_calib (default: None) - path to camera calibration file