
This code implements the metrics for vSLAM map (pointcloud) quality estimation as in our SibCon 2021 paper. If you use this code in your research, please cite this paper: TBA.


  1. Robot operating system (ROS) >= Kinetic
  2. PCL Library > 1.8
  3. Octomap package


  1. Install the pre-requesites
  1. Clone the package into your catkin workspace and make the package
roscd && cd src
git clone
cd .. && catkin_make

Example usage

1. Subscriber node

pointcloud_subscriber - the node that subscribes to PointCloud topic, receives pointcloud from it, and saves this pointcloud to file


  1. Run

rosrun pointcloud processing pointcloud_subscriber <pointcloud topic> <coordinates file> <colors file>

  1. When pointcloud is received, press Ctrl-C to interrupt subscriber and save the pointcloud.


rosbag play sample_from_robot.bag
roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch
rosrun pointcloud_processing pointcloud_subscriber /octomap_occupied_space ./pcd_data/points.txt ./pcd_data/colors.txt

2. Publisher node

pointcloud_publisher - the node that publishes pointcloud which is stored on disk


rosrun pointcloud_processing pointcloud_publisher <point_topic> <coordinates file> <colors file>


rosrun pointcloud_processing pointcloud_publisher /cloud ./pcd_data/points.txt ./pcd_data/colors.txt

3. Metric calculating node

octomap_processing - the node that takes ground truth and SLAM-builded pointcloud and trajectory, and computes our AME metric of them


  1. Run

rosrun pointcloud_processing octomap_processing <path_to_read_pcds> <metric> <pose_choice> <path_to_save_results>


path_to_read_pcds - the directory with ground-truth and SLAM-builded pointcloud and trajectory. They must be stored as gt_points.txt, gt_poses.txt, slam_points.txt, slam_poses.txt respectively in this directory

metric - the kind of metric to compute, abs or rel

pose_choice - choice of visibility moment t for each point (see the paper). Can be first, last, nearest of all

path_to_save_results - the path where to store found correspondences between ground-truth and SLAM-builded points

  1. Take a cup of coffee and wait for results. When node finishes, the correspondences will be stored at path_to_save_results file, and metric value will be written to console as Mean distance: 0.735


rosrun pointcloud_processing octomap_processing ./sample1/data abs nearest ./sample1/results.txt