
Simple jQuery plug-in that the switching of the image with the animation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Travis branch npm version Bower License


Simple jQuery plug-in that the switching of the image with the animation.


see jquery-image-changer demo


  • Switch the image of on and off in the hover events
    (You can be disabled in the options)
  • Can change the suffix
  • Support for some of the transition
  • Support for touch devices
  • Extension of transition
  • Support for background-image switching
  • Disabled in the 404 error
  • Support callback and custom events
  • Support enable and disable methods
  • Support destroy method
  • Other it will provide some utility API.



$ npm install jquery-image-changer


$ bower install jquery-image-changer


Load jQuery and jquery.image-changer.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.image-changer.min.js"></script>

Set up HTML

<a class="rollover" href="http://example.com" ><img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="image"></a>

Call the imageChanger()




	suffix         : "_on", // img.png => img_on.png
	hover          : true,
	transition     : {
		type: "fade",
		duration: 150,
		easing: "linear",
		opacity: 0
	backgroundImage: false,
	imageTypes     : "jpg|jpeg|gif|png",

	// Callbacks
	beforeInit     : false,
	afterInit      : false,
	beforeChange   : false,
	afterChange    : false,
	beforeOnImage  : false,
	afterOnImage   : false,
	beforeOffImage : false,
	afterOffImage  : false


Suffix of the active image.
Default: "_on"
Type: string


Switch the image hover events.
Touch events will be used in the case of touch devices.
Default: true
Type: boolean


Specifies the transition.
Default: fade
Type: object

fade transition

// Simple
	transition: "fade"

// More options
	transition: {
		type    : "fade",
		duration: 150,
		easing  : "linear",
		opacity : 0

none transition

not animations:

	transition: false //false | "none" | "default"

wink transition


// Simple
	transition: "wink"

// More options
	transition: {
		type    : "wink",
		duration: 150,
		easing  : "swing",
		opacity : 0.4


slide transition

// Simple
	transition: "slide"

// More options
	transition: {
		type     : "slide",
		duration : 150,
		easing   : "swing",
		direction: "top", // "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"
		display  : "inline-block"


switching of the background image.
Default: false
Type: boolean


Specifies the extension of the corresponding image.
Default: "jpg|jpeg|gif|png"
Type: string | array

Data attributes

You can specify the options for each element after the data-ic.



<a class="rollover" href="http://example.com" data-ic-suffix="_active" data-ic-transition='{"type":"wink"}'><img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="image"></a>

Custom Events

You will receive an event using the jQuery#on().

var $rollover = $(selector);

$rollover.on("ic.****", function(e, ic){
	// do something...
  • "ic.beforeInit"
  • "ic.afterInit"
  • "ic.beforeChange"
  • "ic.afterChange"
  • "ic.beforeOnImage"
  • "ic.afterOnImage"
  • "ic.beforeOffImage"
  • "ic.afterOffImage"

Data API

To use ImageChanger $.fn.data use delegate function.

var ic = $(selector).imageChanger().data("imageChanger");

ic.toggle();   //Toggle the image
ic.onImage();  //To active image
ic.offImage(); //To default image
ic.disable();  //Temporarily disable this plugin
ic.enable();   //To enable
ic.destroy();  //Destroy this plugin

Global API

Will provide an API that does not depend on the elements. (version added: 2.0.6)

 * $.imageChanger("addSuffix", target, [suffix]);
 * - target: string | jQueryObject
 * - suffix: string
$.imageChanger("addSuffix", "path/img.jpg");                    // -> "path/img_on.jpg"
$.imageChanger("addSuffix", "path/img.jpg", "_active");         // -> "path/img_active.jpg"
$.imageChanger("addSuffix", "path/img_on.jpg");                 // -> "path/img_on.jpg"
$.imageChanger("addSuffix", $(selector));                       // -> will add the "_on" to all of the images.
$.imageChanger("addSuffix", $(selector), "_active");            // -> will add the "_active" to all of the images.

 * $.imageChanger("removeSuffix", target, [suffix]);
 * - target: string | jQueryObject
 * - suffix: string
$.imageChanger("removeSuffix", "path/img_on.jpg");                // -> "path/img.jpg"
$.imageChanger("removeSuffix", "path/img.jpg");                   // -> "path/img.jpg"
$.imageChanger("removeSuffix", "path/img_active.jpg", "_active"); // -> "path/img.jpg"
$.imageChanger("removeSuffix", $(selector));                      // -> will remove the "_on" of all of the images.
$.imageChanger("removeSuffix", $(selector), "_active");           // -> will remove the "_active" of all of the images.

 * $.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", target, [suffix]);
 * - target: string | jQueryObject
 * - suffix: string
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", "path/img.jpg");                   // -> "path/img_on.jpg"
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", "path/img_on.jpg");                // -> "path/img.jpg"
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", "path/img.jpg", "_active");        // -> "path/img_active.jpg"
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", "path/img_active.jpg", "_active"); // -> "path/img.jpg"
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", $(selector));                      // -> will toggle the "_on" of all of the images.
$.imageChanger("toggleSuffix", $(selector), "_active");           // -> will toggle the "_active" of all of the images.

Custom Transitions

  • initialize() - Implement the initialization of style and DOM structure
  • on() - You implement the switch to the active image
  • off() - You implement the switch to the default image
  • destroy() - Implementation for returning to the default. (Called when ImageChanger#destroy())

Please execute the callback function that comes in when you are finished animation argument.

Example type:"custom"

	transition: {
		type: "custom",

		// default parametors
		defaults: {
			easing: "swing",
			duration: 150

		initialize: function(params){
			this.$elem.css("overflow", "hidden");
				"top": -20,
				"opacity": 0

		on: function(params, done){
				"top": -20,
				"opacity": 0
			}, params.duration, params.easing);

				"top": 0,
				"opacity": 1
			}, params.duration, params.easing, done);

		off: function(params, done){
				"top": 0,
				"opacity": 1
			}, params.duration, params.easing);

				"top": -20,
				"opacity": 0
			}, params.duration, params.easing, done);

In addition, it can be registered as a builtin transition.
To do the registration you can use the $.imageChanger("registerTransition", ...).

Example $.imageChanger("registerTransition", ...)

// Register Custom Transition.
$.imageChanger("registerTransition", {
	defaults: {
		// default parametors...

	initialize: function(params){

	on: function(params, done){

	off: function(params, done){

	destroy: function(params){

// Use Custom Transition.
	transition: {
		type: "example"

Notes: $.imageChanger.registerTransition() It is deprecated. at version 2.0.7.


jQuery 1.7.2 +

Browser Support

  • IE7 +
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • iOS5 +
  • Android2.3 +


Destroy on after initialize.

It useful tips for navigation operation.

	afterInit: function(){
		if( this.status.startOn ){


If lower than Firefox version 35.0

Bug occurs during the animation.
It can be solved by adding the following CSS.

.ic-off {
  box-shadow:0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, .01);
  background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

Change Log

v2.1.0 (Sep 10, 2015)

Add startOn tips. and startOn bugs.

v2.0.7 (Jul 15, 2015)

Add 3 Global API. (addSuffix, removeSuffix, toggleSuffix)

v2.0.5 (Jun 15, 2015)

Fix IE7 bug <a> click does not respond. And add animation of PNG image to demo page.

v2.0.3 (Apr 5, 2015)

Support bower and npm install. And some bug fixes.

v2.0.2 (Jan 31, 2015)

Fix IE7 slide transition bugs.

v2.0.1 (Jan 27, 2015)

Support the option specified in the custom data attributes.

v2.0.0 (Jan 4, 2015)

First release.


tsuyoshi wada