
Population Curves for ASCA

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains the code for reproducing the results of the paper Camacho J, Armstrong, MS. Population Power Curves in ASCA with Permutation Testing. Submitted to Journal of Chemometrics.

This repository requires the MEDA toolbox v1.4 at https://github.com/codaslab/MEDA-Toolbox

Contact person: José Camacho (josecamacho@ugr.es)

Last modification of this document: 27/Feb/24


The code is organized in a number of Matlab scripts:

  • The script named starting by "ejs" perform the examples in the paper.

  • The script named "run_all" executes all the examples.

  • The rest of scripts are auxiliary functions.

  • The rest of files (.mat) contain the output data of the examples.

  • Figures/ contains the figures generated by the examples.

  • html/ contains the publication of results with the MAtlab command 'publish'.

How to use

Install the MEDA Toolbox v1.4 and this repository, and execute "run_all".