
Identify functional and nonfunctional requirement

Software Enginering Lab01

ID : 202001145

Name : Harsh Prajapati

Question :01

Identify the functional and nonfunctional requirement

  • functional requirement:

    • Member registration & Login feature
    • User should find the book by search
    • Only members can able the issue and return the book using the website
    • members can extend the return date on the website if no prebooking for that book is made
    • librarian should have admin permission to create, delete and edit the book details.
    • Admin should have complete control over the system
    • Non members can search the book only
    • Critical Information should not be store in the text formate.
  • Nonfunctional requirement :

    • Website should ease the task of borrowing and returning for library staff
    • System should be run on College's LAN only to reduce the traffic
    • System should be scalable as in the problem specifies that this system is needed because of incresing size and capacity
    • Need a web application

Question :02

Identify scope, features and non-functional aspects of the following problem.

  • Scope :
    • This app can be usefull for the 5% of the popuation in the world who are suffers from disabling hearing loss.
  • Features :
    • Using AI, detect the surrounding sound and if that is usefull for this community immidiate alert will be given to the user
    • Real time application using low latency.
  • Nonfunctional requirement :
    • Should be run on Android
    • low-latency for real time response
    • Scalability, as we app have millions of user try to engage at the time.