CoLink Playbook Dev

This module can be used to quickly set up a CoLink protocol with just a few lines in the TOML file.

Running a Protocol by Playbook

  1. Download the release binary of your system from GitHub.

    bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    You can also build from source

    git clone
    cd colink-playbook-dev
    cargo build --release
  2. Get your colink-server address and the user's jwt who wants to run the protocol as <addr> and <jwt>, which can be referred to in the Rust SDK.

  3. Define your new protocol in a config file (colink.toml by default) in TOML format, and get the path of your TOML file as <config_path>.

  4. [Optional] If your TOML file name is not colink.toml, you need to set the env variable COLINK_PLAYBOOK_CONFIG = <config_path>.

  5. Run your protocol

    ./colink-playbook --addr <addr> --jwt <jwt>

Format of TOML file

  • You can define your protocol like the example below (you need to replace all the fields as <...>).

  • The playbook will run each step in order for each role.

[<your_po_pkg_name>]  # po stands for protocol
  workdir = <your po working path>
  name = <your po name>

      max_num = <int>  	# [optional] Limit the number of users with this role in this protocol
      min_num = <int>   # [optional] as previous
        workdir = <your role working path>  # [optional] If not defined, the protocol working path will be set as the role path
          # write actions here
          # write actions here
      # define your other role action here

      # define your other role action here

Template String

  • Templating will activate in all path, variable name, and entry name fields.

  • The template string is a string with the format {{...}}. The content in the {{...}} will be replaced by the dynamic values. Currently, we support two dynamic values: task_id and user_id (refer to the Rust SDK).

  • Templating supports the Rust-style slices.

    • Format example:


    The slices will be [a,b) for {{task_id[a..b]}}

Supported Action

  • Run action with condition

    You can use this statement to add a run condition for any step

      if = "a bash command"  # example: `grep -q '0' xx.txt`
      # other steps

    This action will run the bash command and get its exit code. If it returns 0, the step will run, otherwise, this step will be skipped.

  • Sub-process

    • Start the sub-process:

        step_name = "your sub-process name" #cannot start with `__`
        process = "your command here"
    • Force kill the sub-process

        process_kill = "sub-process name of the one to kill"
        stdout_file = "your file name"  # [optional] the file name of this process's stdout
        stderr_file = "your file name"  # [optional] the file of stderr
        exit_code = "your file name"  # [optional] the file of exit code
        check_exit_code = <i32> # [optional] set this field to check the exit code of process (notice that if this process is killed, the exit code is 9)
    • Join the sub-process

        process_wait = "sub-process name of the one to join"
        stdout_file = "your file name"  # [optional] the file of stdout
        stderr_file = "your file name"  # [optional] the file of stderr
        exit_code = "your file name"  # [optional] the file of exit code
        check_exit_code = <i32> # [optional] set this field to check the exit code of process
    • Other supported format

        step_name = "your sub-process name"
        process = "your command here"
        process_wait = "sub-process name of the one to join"  # can also be replaced with `process_kill`
        stdout_file = "your file name"
        stderr_file = "your file name"
        exit_code = "your file name"
        check_exit_code = <i32> # [optional] set this field to check the exit code of process
    • Notes:

      • step_name cannot start with __
      • Besides the existing env variables, we will set two new variables named COLINK_CORE_ADDR and COLINK_JWT in the process, which stand for the server address and user jwt.
      • If the exit code subprocess is not 0 (or not 9 after calling the kill action), the wait and kill action will throw an exception.
  • Variable Transfer through CoLink

    • Send variable

        send_variable = "your variable name"
        file = "the file hold the value of your var"
        to_role = "the name of the role you want to send to"
        index = 0 # [optional] not set for all ones
    • Receive variable

      This action will block the action until receiving the required variable

        recv_variable = "the name of variable"
        file = "the file to store the value of var"
        from_role = "the name of the role you want to recv from"
        index = 0  # [necessary] the index of the roles matched in participants
  • Entry Actions of CoLink

    • Create entry

        create_entry = "name of your entry"
        file = "file of the content of entry"
    • Update entry

        update_entry = "name of the entry to update"
        file = "file of the content of entry"
    • Read entry

        read_entry = "name of the entry to read"
        file = "file to store the content of entry"
    • Delete entry

        delete_entry = "name of the entry to delete"
    • Read or Wait Entry

        read_or_wait_entry = "name of the entry to read"
        file = "file to store the content of entry"


  • An example that uses playbook to run unifed-fedtree can be found here.