
Work In Progress! Quick implementation of boids in Godot.

Primary LanguageGDScript

Godot Boids


This is small implementation of Boids in Godot! Not finished yet, check back soon!


This isn't a standalone export yet, so you'll need Godot installed to run this! Just clone it into your Godot projects folder then re-scan your projects folder to get access to the project.


What are Boids?

Boids are a type of simulated life model originally developed in the late 80s by Craig Reynolds. Using three basic principles of Separation, Alignment, and Cohesion, Boids are able to convincingly simulate the flocking behavior of birds and other animals. It's an interesting emergent property that I think is worth investigating!


Read more about them here! The Stanford web page provides an excellent overview, and contains links to pseudo code and the original paper published by Reynolds in Computer Graphics. There's also a really excellent video by Sebastian Lague if you're interested.

Development Log



Day 1 of this little excursion! I tried to implement smooth velocities and turn rates from the get go and it turned out extremely jank. When they weren't flying all over the place at top speeds, they completely ignored collisions and flew steadfastly off into the sunset together like lemmings.

First attempt

Eventually, I gave up and used the peudo code. It turned out much nicer. It was initially very janky, but after making some minor adjustments I was able to get the smooth motion I wanted

Second Attempt

I think the required thought process for projects like this should be like making a sculpture. Start from the general and simple, get the rough outline, then refine. The pseudo has very simple rules for the boid motion, I was incredibly surprised. I had to do some refinements and tweak the parameters a bit (and I definitely will do some more of that), but it turned out nice.

I think, next I'd like to create a UI to manage the boid parameters and the viewing window.

Immediate Goals

--Basic neighbor detection and flight path adjustment.-- --(Literally just boids)--

Future Goals

  • UI to control boid parameters.
  • Environmental goals and obstacles
  • Vision cone visualization
  • Heatmaps
  • Nearest neighbors visualization
  • Flight trails
  • Translate from GodotScript to C++ or Rust using GDNative.
  • Possible short game implementation!
    • Different flocks? (birds)
    • Cooler Sprites?