
Issue Tracking application integrating with GitHub to replace the existing Joomlacode solution.

Primary LanguagePHP


The issue tracker application requires a server running:

  • PHP 5.3.1 or later (Joomla Platform minimum version)
  • MySQL 5.1 with InnoDB support


  1. Clone the git repo to where ever your test environment is located or download the ZIP from https://github.com/joomla/jissues/zipball/master.
  2. Copy /configuration.example.php to /configuration.php
  3. Enter your database credentials in the JConfig class. Change $prefix if desired. (defaults to jos_)

From this point, you can setup your database in one of two ways:


  1. From a command prompt, run the script located at cli/installer.php to set up your database
  • This option will prompt you for the creation of an Administrative user account.


If you are in an environment where you cannot execute PHP scripts from the command line, you can set up your database with the following steps:

  1. Open /sql/mysql.sql and do a find/replace from #__ to whatever your prefix is, and save
  2. Import the SQL into your database
  3. You can optionally import the sample data found at /sql/sampledata.sql by repeating steps 1 and 2 with this file
  • When using this option, you will need to manually create an Adminstrative user account.

After setting up your database, verify the installation is successful by doing the following:

  1. View site in browser to verify setup
  2. Open a console a execute cli/retrieveissues.php to get the open issues from GitHub.

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