- Arduino Nano Every
- WS2812B LED's
- Currently in a 7 (width) x 5 (height) array for initial testing
- Will be exspanded to 14x10 once my LED's arrive
- Designed for a Non-Profit Toys for Tots fishing tournament. With 60+ boats on the water it's hard to hear when your number is called out (so you can launch off/go). The original sign was made with 12v trailer tail lights and relays to make a two-digit 7-segment sign. While the sign works well, it's time to take it up a notch!
- The plan is to have the original capability of the original 7-segment sign, plus to be able to show cool light shows, show a flag during the national anthem, and so on.
- Reddit u/bu22ed - For teaching me that 'if' statements and switch() don't work well together and should be separated.