I need DebugView++ to trap ::OutputDebugString() while the Visual Studio Debugger is also running
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I need DebugView++ to trap ::OutputDebugString() while the Visual Studio Debugger is also running. As an alternative, is it possible to send it a windows message to display the formatted output string in the DebugView++ application window?
I tried downloading the source and building the solution on my machine (Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019 Professional) but the build failed. How do I build the solution?
I have not found a way to hook into OutputDebugString() on windows 10, like it was possible on windows XP.
So that means debugviewpp cannot currently prevent Visual Studio from 'stealing' its messages.
You can use this SendMessage trick to send message to debugview++ directly.
About building, there are known issues with 'newer' vs2019 version.
maybe this applies to your situation https://github.com/CobaltFusion/DebugViewPP#vs2019
There is now also a vs2022 companion extension available.