k-ary Tree Drawer

This repository contains a small, compact drawing algorithm for k-ary trees, implemented in Python3. The root will be drawn at first, afterwards, the drawing algorithm proceeds to draw all the children up to a specific level, placed on grid points. This visualization has the property to keep the edge lengths uniform, creating a straight-line drawing of uniform length straight-lines apart a rounding error.


python3 preinstalled with packages networkx and matplotlib

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run

Exemplary execution of a tertiary tree of height 4

python ./k-ary_tree_drawer.py -k 3 -he 4 -c -i

Without arguments, the code defaults to setting k=2, h=3


6-ary tree of height 3
6-ary tree of height 3

30-ary tree of height 3
30-ary tree of height 3