This is a rails API that can be used to create a feed. It can be used by a web app and mobile app.

The API will generate:

  • a list of all items.

  • a list of all sold items for a particular seller.

  • details of one item.

  • a list of available items for a particular category.

A banned item doesnot display the following fields returned by the API:

  • Seller Name

  • Item Publishing Date

An item has the following structure:

  • Item title

  • Item description

  • Item Category (list of available values):

    • Car

    • Clothing

    • Others

  • Item Price

  • Seller Name

  • Seller Latitude

  • Seller Longitude

  • Item Status (list of available values):

    • Available

    • Pending

    • Sold

    • Expired

    • Banned

  • Item Published Date